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Temporal Constrained Objects for Modelling Neuronal Dynamics

Authors : Manjusha Nair, M. K. Jinesh, Bharat Jayaraman, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :PeerJ Computer Science,

Optimal Tour Planning for Measles and Rubella Vaccination in Kochi, South India

Authors : Gutjahr, Georg, Chinju Krishna, L, Prof. Prema Nedungadi

Publisher :2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

Non Linear Dynamic Model with Varying Hip Height for Stable Walking of Biped Robot

Authors : Sreeja Balakrishnan, Shikha Tripathi, T. S. B. Sudarshan

Publisher :International Journal of Robotics Automation, Acta Press

Results on dihedral symmetric boolean functions

Authors : Rajeev, K., Sethumadhavan, M., Lakshmy, K.V.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Tensor Flow Based Analysis and Classification of Liver Disorders from Ultrasonography Images

Authors : K. Raghesh Krishnan, Midhila, M., Sudhakar R.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

Resonant filter for photovoltaic applications

Authors : Baldwin Immanuel, T., Suresh, A., Rashmi, M.R.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Pyrolysis kinetics of Hibiscus rosa sinensis and Nerium oleander

Authors : Sindhu Subramanian, Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula

Publisher :Biofuels

PWM inverter switch open-circuit fault analysis in three phase induction motor drive using FEM

Authors : Kumar, N.P., Sreemathi, R., Chandar, K.P.R., Vaijayanthi, V., Kumar, S.P.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing, ICECDS

PWM inverter switch short circuit fault analysis in three phase induction motor using FEM

Authors : Praveen Kumar, N., Ashwini, G., Muthukumaran, V., Pavithra, R., Priyanka, D., Balakrishnan, P.

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research

Reproducing the Firing Properties of a Cerebellum Deep Cerebellar Nucleus with a Multi Compartmental Morphologically Realistic Biophysical Model

Authors : Presannan A, Rajendran A., Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2018), Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Properties of Benzylidene-Fluorene Derivatives

Authors : R. Rejithamol, Dr. Beena S., A Santhy, Asha B Nair

Publisher :International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization

Pulmonary Hemorrhage Due to Unrecognized Bronchial Collateral After Arterial Switch Operation

Authors : Leeladharan, Sreelakshmi P, Jayashankar, Jessin P, Kottayil, Brijesh P, Kappanayil, Mahesh, Raman, Krishnakumar, Balachandran, Rakhi

Publisher :The Annals of Thoracic Surgery

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