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Valorisation of rhodamine B adsorbed copolymer beads for the recovery of Cu2+ from e-waste: Green approach

Authors : Arun Viswan, K.K., Gangadharan, D.

Publisher :Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Variants in members of the cadherin-catenin complex, CDH1 and CTNND1, cause blepharocheilodontic syndrome.

Authors : Kievit, Anneke, Tessadori, Federico, Douben, Hannie, Jordens, Ingrid, Maurice, Madelon, Hoogeboom, Jeannette, Hennekam, Raoul, Nampoothiri, Sheela, Kayserili, Hülya, Castori, Marco, Whiteford, Margo, Motter, Connie, Melver, Catherine, Cunningham, Michael, Hing, Anne, Kokitsu-Nakata, Nancy M, Vendramini-Pittoli, Siulan, Richieri-Costa, Antonio, Baas, Annette F, Breugem, Corstiaan C, Duran, Karen, Massink, Maarten, Derksen, Patrick W B, van IJcken, Wilfred F J, van Unen, Leontine, Santos-Simarro, Fernando, Lapunzina, Pablo, Gil-da Silva Lopes, Vera L, Lustosa-Mendes, Elaine, Krall, Max, Slavotinek, Anne, Martinez-Glez, Victor, Bakkers, Jeroen, van Gassen, Koen L I, de Klein, Annelies, van den Boogaard, Marie-José H, van Haaften, Gijs

Publisher :Eur J Hum Genet

Intelligent “IoT Gateway”

Authors : Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Harikrishnan Padmanabha Pillai, Shiju Sathyadevan, Bipin Kunjumon

Publisher :Volume US Patent 10,057,382

Fingerprints of sp1 Hybridized C in the Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectra of Surface-Grown Materials

Authors : Guido Fratesi, Simona Achilli, Nicola Manini, Giovanni Onida, Anu Baby, Abhilash Ravikumar, Aldo Ugolotti, Gian Brivio, Alberto Milani, Carlo Casari

Publisher :Materials

Secure video transmission

Authors : Ramakrishna, K., Harini, N.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Secure storage of medical images using wavelet compression, visual digital signature scheme and visual cryptography

Authors : Jithisha, R., Praveen, K.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Utilization of hepatitis B core antibody positive grafts in living donor liver transplantation.

Authors : Udayakumar, Visagh Puthumana, Surendran, Sudhindran, Padma, Uma Devi

Publisher :Indian J Gastroenterol

A four novel energy pattern factor method for computation of weibull parameter in impact strength reliability of fibre-reinforced concrete

Authors : Gayathri, R., Murali, G., Kathirvel, P., M. K. Haridharan, Karthikeyan, K.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

Utilization of recycled waste as filler in foam concrete

Authors : Chandni, T.J., Dr. Anand K. B.

Publisher :Journal of Building Engineering

Secondary κ-range symmetric fuzzy matrices

Authors : Shree, D.J.

Publisher :Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography

Utilization of hepatitis B core antibody positive grafts in living donor liver transplantation

Authors : Udayakumar, V.P., S. Surendran, Padma, U.D.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

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