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Visual-based change detection in scene regions using statistical-based approaches

Authors : Thirumurthy, B., Dr. Latha Parameswaran, Vaiapury, K.

Publisher :Journal of Electronic Imaging

Overview of Arnekt IECSIL at Fire-2018 track on information extraction for conversational systems in Indian languages

Authors : Barathi Ganesh, H.B., Soman, K.P., Reshma, U., Kale, M., Mankame, P., Kulkarni, G., Kale, A., Anand Kumar, M.

Publisher :CEUR Workshop Proceedings

A Selective Generation of Hybrid Random Numbers via Android Smart Phones

Authors : Ashok Kumar Mohan, Dr. Nirmala Devi M., Dr. M. Sethumadhavan, Santhya R

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Method for automatic key concepts extraction: Application to documents in the domain of nuclear reactors

Authors : Sudarsana Desul, Madurai Meenachi N., Thejas Venkatesh, Vijitha Gunta, Dr. Gowtham R., Magapu Sai Baba

Publisher :The Electronic Library, Emerald (Impact Factor : 0.800, SSCI)

Traditional Indian way of eating an overview

Authors : Shweta Hegde, Haritha Chandran, Leena P. Nair, Haroon Irshad

Publisher :Journal of Ethnic Foods

A vision based DCNN for identify bottle object in indoor environment

Authors : Gopan, L., Aarthi, R.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

Vision based algorithm for people counting using deep learning

Authors : Padmashini, M., Manjusha, R., Dr. Latha Parameswaran

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

Selection of Features Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Microaneurysm Detection in Fundus Images

Authors : Kumar, S.N., Dinesh, D., Siddharth, T., Ramkumar, S., Nikhill, S., Dr. Lavanya R.

Publisher :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc

Visual analysis of genetic algorithms while solving 0-1 knapsack problem

Authors : Sathyajit, B.P., Velayutham, C.S.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

A Trace Driven Analysis of Incentive Based Crowdsourcing Workload

Authors : A. R. Kurup, G. P. Sajeev

Publisher :2018 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE)

Selection of algorithms for pedestrian detection during day and night

Authors : Pathak, R., Sivraj, P.

Publisher :Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing, Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018)

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