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Wavelet-based fundamental heart sound recognition method using morphological and interval features

Authors : Nivitha Varghees, V., Ramachandran, K.I., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Healthcare Technology Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology,

Voltammetric Determination of Bilirubin on Disposable Screen Printed Carbon Electrode

Authors : J. Raveendran, Stanley, J., Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.

Publisher :Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

High level synthesis for retiming stochastic VLSI signal processing architectures

Authors : Krishnapriya, P.Na., Bala Tripura Sundari, B.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Voltammetric Immunosensing Platform Based on Dual Signal Amplification Using Gold Nanoparticle Labels

Authors : Vidhu Sara Vargis, Chandhana J. P, Suneesh P.V, Bipin Nair, Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.

Publisher :IConAMMA

Lattice Mismatch Drives Spatial Modulation of Corannulene Tilt on Ag (111)

Authors : Anu Baby, He Lin, Abhilash Ravikumar, Carla Bittencourt, Hermann A Wegner, Luca Floreano, Andrea Goldoni, Guido Fratesi

Publisher :The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Incidence of Breast engorgement

Authors : Linda Varghese

Publisher :AMRITACON 2018

Traffic density analysis employing locality sensitive hashing on GPS data and image processing techniques

Authors : Sowmya, K., Kumar, P.N.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

WALE: a Weighted Adaptive Location Estimation Algorithm

Authors : Sundar, Darshak, Sendil, Siddharth, Subramanian, Vasanth, Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian

Publisher :Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Selective localization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in PTT/PE blends: theoretical analysis, morphology and mechanical properties

Authors : M K Aswathi, Ajitha A R, L P Mathew, Prof. M. Padmanabhan, S Thomas

Publisher :Macromolecular Symposia

Tracking of Nonlinear Variations of the Parameters of High Mobility Systems

Authors : Sudheesh, P, Dr. Jayakumar M.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Open Access

Selective monitoring of vascular cell senescence via Β-Galactosidase detection with a fluorescent chemosensor

Authors : Kim, E.-J., Podder, A., Maiti, M., Lee, J.M., Chung, B.G., S. Bhuniya

Publisher :Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical-A

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