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An ℓ1 -Norm Based Optimization Approach for Power Line Interference Removal in ECG Signals

Authors : Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar, S., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Progress in Intelligent Computing Techniques: Theory, Practice, and Applications

Safe Driving using Vision-based Hand Gesture Recognition System in Non-uniform Illumination Conditions

Authors : Shalini Anant, S. Veni

Publisher :Journal of ICT Research and Applications

YOLO classification with multiple object tracking for vacant parking lot detection

Authors : Jose, E.K., S. Veni

Publisher :Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.,

Word Level Language Identification in Code-Mixed Data using Word Embedding Methods for Indian Languages

Authors : I. Chaitanya, I. Madapakula, S. K. Gupta, S. Thara

Publisher :2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Bangalore, India.

Wideband Low Noise Amplifier Design for Microwave Frequency using CMOS 65nm technology

Authors : Ruchi Kumari, V. Vignesh, Dr. Navin Kumar

Publisher :7th IEEE International conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI

Influence of Titanium Diboride and Graphite Reinforcement on Al6061 Alloy

Authors : Anirudh, V., Vigneshwaran, M., Vijay, E., Pramod, R., Veeresh Kumar, G.B.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

When Less is Better: A Summarization Technique that Enhances Clinical Effectiveness of Data

Authors : Durga P, Rahul K Pathinarupothi, Ekanath Srihari Rangan, Prakash Ishwar

Publisher :8th ACM International Digital Health Conference (DH 2018), Lyon, France.

Hungarian algorithm using haar tuples to solve fuzzy travelling salesman problem

Authors : Dhanasekar, S., Dash, S.K., Hariharan, S.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

Optimization of parameters effecting the heat recovery from a sand casting process

Authors : GopalaKrishna, V.S., Prakash Marimuthu, K.

Publisher :Scorpus

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