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Tool Condition Monitoring of Cylindrical Grinding Process Using Acoustic Emission Sensor

Authors : Arun A., K. Rameshkumar, Unnikrishnan D., A. Sumesh

Publisher :ICMMM2017, Materials Today: Proceedings,

Characteristics of ‘Escaping’ and ‘Falling into’ Poverty in India: An Analysis of IHDS Panel Data using machine learning approach

Authors : Narendranath, Sukhavasi, Khare, Sangita, Gupta, Deepa, Jyotishi, Amalendu

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

MCM-41 Nanoparticles for Brain Delivery: Better Choline-Esterase and Amyloid Formation Inhibition with Improved Kinetics

Authors : Pawan K Pandey, Ashok K Sharma, Sarita Rani, Gaurav Mishra, Dr. Gopal K., Ajit K Patra, Monika Rana, Anuj K Sharma, Awesh K Yadav, Umesh Gupta

Publisher :ACS Biomaterials Science Engineering

Luminescence properties of LiYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ phosphors: A study on influence of synthesis temperature and dopant concentration

Authors : Janani, K., Ramasubramanian, S., Soni, A.K., Rai, V.K., Thiyagarajan, P.

Publisher :Optik

Maximum power point tracking of a solar PV array using single stage three phase inverter

Authors : Jayakumar, M., Vanitha, V., Jaisuriya, V., Karthikeyan, M., Daniel, G., Vignesh, T.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

Chilling effect on hardness and microstructural behavior of grey iron

Authors : Muzzamil Ahamed, S., Rakesh, S.G., Vijaya Kumar, Y., Tabrez, B.M., Bharat, V., Zakaulla, M.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign: A trust deficit?

Authors : Sreedevi, A.

Publisher :Journal of Postgraduate Medicine

Maximum power point tracking controller for solar powered mUAV

Authors : Niharika, B., Sudarshan, T.S.B.

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering, ICPCSI 2017

Detection of vanilla species by employing image processing approach

Authors : Ambika, N.K., Supriya, P.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Design and Emotional evaluation of Pepe Jr: A cost effective platform for HRI studies

Authors : Shanker, Nidhin Sugunan, Krishna, Sooraj, Alekh, Velayudhan, Babu, Sooraj K, Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :International Confernece on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics.

Mathematical Models as Bioscience Educational Informatics Tools

Authors : Kumar D., Subramanyan P, Prasad A., Kaimal A., Santhosh A., Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :IEEE

Eye Gaze as an Indicator for Stress Level Analysis in Students

Authors : Chandran, Jyotsna, Joseph, Amudha

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

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