Authors : Gopinathan, S., Dr. Anand K. B.
Publisher :Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering
Authors : Sasikala T, Sasikala T, Kolli Sandeep Krishna, Kolli Sandeep Krishna
Publisher :2nd International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solution.
Authors : Murugan, B.K., Balusamy, V., Dr. Padmanaban R.
Publisher :Proceedings of 2017 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control
Authors : Shantanu Bhowmik, Mohan Kumar Pitchan, Dr. Meera Balachandran, Mathew Abraham
Publisher :Journal of Materials and Design
Authors : Menon, D., Venkateswaran, C.
Publisher :Indian Journal of Palliative Care, Medknow Publications,
Authors : Selvaprithviraj, Vignesh, Sankar, Deepthi, Sivashanmugam, Amirthalingam, Srinivasan, Sowmya, Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy
Publisher :Curr Med Chem, Bentham Science Publishers B.V.,
Authors : Dr. T. K. Ramesh, P L Sindhuja Rao, K. V. V. N. D. Santosh
Publisher :International conference on Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems,
Authors : Bagul, K., Rajanbabu, A., Ranganathan, V., Vijaykumar, D.K., Jose, A., Nair, I., Pavithran, K.
Publisher :European Journal of Oncology
Authors : P. R. Rejula, Dr. Balamurugan S.
Publisher :International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies
Authors : Bijalwan, Priyank, Bindhu, M R, Ginil Kumar Pooleri
Publisher :Indian J Surg Oncol
Authors : Subathra P., Thiyaneswaran, V., Kumar, P.N.
Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
Authors : Atul, K.R., Jevitha, K.P.
Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science