Authors : Rakhi Krishna, Bhama Santhosh Kumar, Surya Krishnan, Anila K N, Lakshmi R.
Publisher :International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Authors : Uthaman, A., Sreesha N. Nair
Publisher :Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology,
Authors : Nagaraj, Nithin, Dr. Karthi Balasubramanian
Publisher :The European Physical Journal Special Topics
Authors : Özdemir, Vural, Kickbusch, Ilona, Coşkun, Yavuz
Publisher :BMJ
Authors : Jayaram, K., Sangeeta, K.
Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications, ICIMIA 2017 - Proceedings
Authors : Radhakrishnan, A., Gangaja, B., Nair, S., Dr. Dhamodaran Santhanagopalan
Publisher :ChemistrySelect, Wiley-Blackwell,
Authors : Dr. Preetha Menon
Publisher :International Education and Research Journal
Authors : Athira, C.R., Athira, C.R., N.M.a Dhanya, N.M.a Dhanya
Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies,
Authors : Venkataraman, D., Bharathi, P.D.
Publisher :2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems
Authors : Liya M. L., Athul Shaji, Jayakrishnan V.M, Aswathy Nair
Publisher :IEEE International Conference On Smart Technologies And Management For Computing, Communication, Controls.
Authors : Ratha, K.C., Mahapatra, S.K.
Publisher :Economic and Political Weekly
Authors : Jennath, H.S., Nandesh Nair, Sethuraman Rao, Raj Dhanesh, Narayanan, S., Krishnaswamy, D.
Publisher :ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery,