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Significance of incorporating excitation source parameters for improved emotion recognition from speech and electroglottographic signals

Authors : Pravena, D., Dr. Govind D.

Publisher :International Journal of Speech Technology

Significance of perceptually relevant image decolorization for scene classification

Authors : Dr. Govind D., Sowmya V., Kutti Padanyl Soman

Publisher :Journal of Electronic Imaging

Study on Risk Factors Associated with Diabetic Retinopathy among the patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in South India: Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study

Authors : Laghima V.N, Sobha George, Nimitha Paul

Publisher :National Journal of research in Community Medicine

Study on quality of life assessment in diabetic retinopathy among patients with type 2 diabetic patients

Authors : Meenu Vijayan, Jose, R., Jose, S., Abraham, S., Joy, J.

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd,

Significance of contrast and structure features for an improved color image classification system

Authors : Sowmya V., Dr. Govind D., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications

A study on occurance of a nonlinear phenomenon: Chaos in a DC chopper drive

Authors : Pillai, V., Isha, T.B.

Publisher :Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT 2017

Study on Hole Quality in Drilling AA 6063 Plate under Cryogenic Pre-Cooling Environment

Authors : Chaanthini, M.K., Murugappan, S., Arul, S.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Study on Lifestyle Risk Factors in School Children and its Relationship to their Mothers

Authors : N. Laghima, V, Sobha George, Paul, Nimitha

Publisher :National Journal of Research in Community Medicine

A Study on Free Light Chain Assay and Serum Immunofixation Electrophoresis for the Diagnosis of Monoclonal Gammopathies

Authors : Kuriakose, Eldho, Narayanan Unni Cheppayil, Sumithra, Kuzhikandathil Narayanan, Subhakumari, Anu Vasudevan

Publisher :Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry

A study on factors influencing team effectiveness in a resort environment

Authors : Pravitha N. R., Indrajith

Publisher :International Journal of Scientific Research

Severity Summarization and Just in Time Alert Computation in mHealth Monitoring

Authors : Rahul K Pathinarupothi, Bithin Alangot, Ekanath Srihari Rangan

Publisher :EFMI International Conference on Informatics for Health, Volume 235, Manchester, UK.

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