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The Impact of Corporate Governance and Firm Performance on Chief Executive Officer’s Compensation: Evidence from Central State Owned Enterprises in India

Authors : Dr. Sangeetha G, Sofi Dinesh

Publisher :International Conference on Data Management, Analytics, and Innovation

A Study of the Phases of Classification of Liver diseases from Ultrasound Images and Gray Level Difference Weights based Segmentation

Authors : Midhila M., K. Raghesh Krishnan

Publisher :IEEE Digital Library, 2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP)

Upwardly mobile: Lowered hearing?

Authors : Menon, U K

Publisher :J Postgrad Med

Impact of Key Macroeconomic Variables of India and USA on Movement of the Indian Stock Return in Case of S P CNX Nifty

Authors : B. Nikita, Dr. P. Balasubramanian, L. Yermal

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI)

Improving educational outcomes reducing absenteeism at remote villages with mobile technology and WhatsAPP: Findings from rural India

Authors : Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Karunya Mulki, Raghu Raman

Publisher :Education and Information Technologies

An unsupervised classification of printed and handwritten telugu words in pre-printed documents using text discrimination coefficient

Authors : Rani, N.S.a b, Vasudev, T.b

Publisher :1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII 2016, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag,

Influence of RD and IPR regulations on the performance of IT firms in India: An empirical analysis using Tobin’s Q approach

Authors : Thangavelu, S., Jyotishi, A.

Publisher :SIGMIS-CPR 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research

Unsupervised Learning of Question Difficulty Levels using Assessment Responses

Authors : Narayanan, S., Kommuri, V.S., Subramanian, N.S., Kamal Bijlani, Nair, N.C.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Neo – Narrative of ‘Doves and Hawks’: The Rise of the Counterculture of the ‘Indian Spring’ Intellectuals

Authors : Beena S. Nair, Sreenath Muraleedharan K, DEVI K

Publisher :Explorations in Critical Humanities, A Collection of Essays.

Unilateral adrenal mass as the sole initial manifestation of differentiated thyroid cancer.

Authors : Sampathkumar, Geethalakshmi, Menon, Arun S, M R, Bindhu, Nair, Vasantha

Publisher :BMJ Case Rep

An Unfortunate Infant: A Case Report

Authors : Anu Sasidharan, Dileep Kumar

Publisher :The Indian Police Journal

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