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Using TOC to develop U-tourism and to formulate its marketing strategy

Authors : Lee, T.-R., Chen, S.-Y., Chen, I.-C., Resmi, A.T., Ganesh, K., Anbuudayasankar, S.P.

Publisher :International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

On Using Microstrip Patch as Band Pass Filter

Authors : Liya M. L., Jayakrishnan V.M, Sreedevi K. Menon

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking.WISPNET.

Using Machine learning to understand data analysis- A case study of a private health care organization

Authors : Melathadathil N, Melathadathil N, Melathadathil N, Pazhanivelu S, Pazhanivelu S, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Pazhanivelu S, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :6th International Conference in Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-17).

Elevating Education of India’s Rural Village Girls Through Distance Learning Technology Supported by Sustainable Electricity

Authors : Frey, M., Manoj P., Mohan, R., Sai Shibu N. B., Gracia, V.C., Mohan, V., Siddhan

Publisher :IEEEXplore

Using an Intelligent Tutoring System to Predict Mathematics and English Assessments

Authors : Gutjahr, Georg, Menon, Kirthy, Prof. Prema Nedungadi

Publisher :5th IEEE International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)

Ethnic diversity and firm performance: Evidence from China’s materials and industrial sectors

Authors : Sefa Awaworyi Churchill, Valenzuela, Maria Rebecca, Sablah, Wisdom

Publisher :Empirical Economics

Using Attribute-Based Access Control for Remote Healthcare Monitoring

Authors : Ray, I., Alangot, B., Nair, S., Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan

Publisher :2017 4th International Conference on Software Defined Systems,

Use of vegetable oils in dermatology: an overview.

Authors : Sarkar, Rashmi, Podder, Indrashis, Gokhale, Narendra, Jagadeesan, Soumya, Garg, Vijay K

Publisher :Int J Dermatol

User Centered Energy Management Scheme for Smart Buildings

Authors : K. Athira, Arya Devi R. D., Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, V. P. Rangan

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI).

How Much Bone Cement is Utilized for Component Fixation in Primary Cemented Total knee Arthroplasty ?

Authors : Satishkumar, Bhava RJ, Mohan, Thadi, Thirumalaisamy, Subbiahgounder, sunil, Apsingi, Praveen, Basanagouder L, Leo, Bernard

Publisher :J of Arthroplasty

Usage and analysis of Twitter during 2015 Chennai flood towards disaster management

Authors : Nair, M.R., Ramya, G.R., Sivakumar, P.B.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V,

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