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Detecting domains receiving anomalous surge traffic in a monitored network Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems

Authors : Ashok Aravind, Pal Soumajit, Sankar Prem, Surendran K

Publisher :IOS Press

Organic food

Authors : Nidhin Elias

Publisher :Health Action Magazine


Authors : Nidhin Elias

Publisher :Health Action Magazine

Soft embalming of cadavers for training purposes: Optimising for long-term use in tropical weather

Authors : Dr. Minnie Pillay; , Subramania Iyer; , Raghuveer Reddy; , Krishnakumar Thankappan

Publisher :Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Dyselectrolytaemia in Stable and Acute Exacerbation Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients- a Cross Sectional Study

Authors : Supriya Adiody, Fabeena S, Dr. M. P. Narmadha, P R Varghese

Publisher :Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences

Effect of Anti-tubercular Drugs and Impact of Glycemic Status in Patients with Tuberculosis and Concomitant Diabetic- Tuberculosis Patients

Authors : Dr. M. P. Narmadha, Nimmy njattmkalayil, Mary George

Publisher :Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Pulmonary Function Tests in COPD Patients

Authors : Dr. M. P. Narmadha, Supriya Adiody, Anjali R Menon, Varghese P R

Publisher :International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research

Nanoscale static voltage generation and its surface potential decay using scanning probe microscopy

Authors : Sreenidhi P. R., Sreenidhi P. R., S. Cherumannil Karumuthil, S. Cherumannil Karumuthil, U. Valiyaneerilakkal, U. Valiyaneerilakkal, S. Varghese, S. Varghese

Publisher :Micro Nano Letters

Piezo-tribo nanoenergy harvester using hybrid polydimethyl siloxane based nanocomposite

Authors : Subash C K, Sreenidhi P. R., Soney Varghese

Publisher :Nano Energy

Health-related quality of life and the perceived palliative care needs among oral cancer patients

Authors : Deepan Kumar, C., Joseph, Joe, Chandrashekar Janakiram, Gopinath, Mohan

Publisher :Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry

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