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IMU sensor based self stabilizing cup for elderly and parkinsonism

Authors : Vidya Vishnu, Soman KP

Publisher :IEEE

Deep emotion intensities in tweets

Authors : Vinayakumar R, Premjith B, Kumar Sachin, Soman KP

Publisher :Deepcybernet at emoint

Deep learning model on stance classification

Authors : Rajendran Gayathri, Chitturi Bhadrachalam

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics

Deep learning LSTM based ransomware detection

Authors : Maniath Sumith, Ashok Aravind, Sujadevi VG, AU Prem Sankar, Jan Srinath

Publisher :IEEE

Applying deep learning approaches for network traffic prediction

Authors : Vinayakumar R, Soman KP

Publisher :IEEE

Aware Public Safety in Pervasive Environment Wireless Public Safety Networks

Authors : Shivsubramani K, Sujadevi V G

Publisher :Elsevier

Stylometry detection using deep learning Computational Intelligence in Data Mining

Authors : Surendran KL, Harilal OP, Hrudya P, Suchetha NK

Publisher :Springer Singapore

Deep Analysis of Opinion and Figurative language on Tweets

Authors : Vinayakumar R, Kumar Sachin, Premjith B, Soman KP

Publisher :TALN

Drive-by-download malware detection in hosts by analyzing system resource utilization using one class support vector machines

Authors : Praveen S, Ashok Aravind, Krishnan Manu R, Soman KP, Poornachandran, P.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag,

Deep android malware detection and classification

Authors : Vinayakumar R, Soman KP

Publisher :IEEE

MobAware’-Harnessing Context Awareness Sensors and Cloud for Spontaneous Personal Safety Emergency Help Requests EAI

Authors : Aravind Ashok, Prem Shankar AU, Sujadevi VG, Shivsubramani Krishnamoorthy, Mani Bharataraju, Sai Keerti P, Khyati D

Publisher :Springer LNICST

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