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Carl Jung’s Archetypes in Malayalam Film: A Case Study on The Film ‘Urumi’

Authors : Sona vargesh, Dr. Balasubramanian A.

Publisher :SHS Web of Conferences: International Conference on Communication and Media: An International Communication Association Regional Conference (i-COME’16

Estimation of Storey Stiffness in Multi-storey Buildings

Publisher :16 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

A Method for Seismic Design of RC Frame Buildings using Fundamental Mode and Plastic Rotation Capacity

Publisher :Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering

New genes often acquire male-specific functions but rarely become essential in

Authors : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Lai, Eric C, Steinhauer, Josefa, Siepel, Adam, Pang, Nan, Kan, Lijuan, Eizadshenass, Sogol, Mohammed, Jaaved, Vedanayagam, Jeffrey, Kondo, Shu

Publisher :Genes Dev

Exploring the Venom of Malabar Pit Viper: Proteomics and Functional Studies

Authors : Dr. Sudarslal S.

Publisher :Swadeshi Science Congress

ExBiological Mass Spectrometry: A Bird’s-eye view

Authors : Dr. Sudarslal S.

Publisher :Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute for Basic Sciences

Proteomic investigation of Trimeresurusmalabaricus venom and its comparative functional analysis using Daboia Russelii venom, SnakeSymp- Snake venom research and snakebite therapy

Authors : Vanuopadath M, Alangode A, Rajan K, Sajeev N., Raveendran, D, M, Reick,, Sudarslal S., Nair, B.G.

Publisher :Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Mass spectrometers- Next generation sniffer dogs and beyond

Authors : Dr. Sudarslal S.

Publisher :Sree Narayana College

Mass spectrometry based quantitation of oxidized and reduced glutathione under diabetes-induced oxidative stress conditions

Authors : Vanuopadath M, Nair B.G, Nair S.S.

Publisher :27th Swadeshi Science Congress , Swadeshi Science Movement, Kerala

Glottal excitation and spectral mapping for voice conversion

Authors : Avarachan A., Susmitha Vekkot, Tripathi S.

Publisher :International Conference on Signal and Image Processing

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