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Sliding wear behaviour and its mechanisms of carbonitrided AISI 8620 steel at 100°C under unlubricated conditions

Authors : K. G. Thirugnanasambantham, Natarajan, S.; , Rajamani, D, Sankaran, R

Publisher :Surface EngineeringSurface Engineering

High-Temperature Erosion and its Mechanisms of Hastelloy X Superalloy under Hot Air Jet Conditions

Authors : K. G. Thirugnanasambantham, N. Srinivasan

Publisher :Materials Performance and CharacterizationMaterials Performance and Characterization, ASTM International,

Comparison of experts and non-experts gaze pattern for the target as optic disc in the fundus retinal images

Authors : Amudha J.,, N. Kulkarni

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Helping hands–an eye tracking enabled user interface framework for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients

Authors : Amudha J.; , Sawhney, Tushar; , Jyotsna C, Pravin Reddy, S;

Publisher :International Journal of Control Theory and Applications

Effects of injection timing and injection pressure on biodiesel fuelled engine performance characteristics: a review

Authors : Sakthivel R., Shameer, P Mohamed, Ramesh, K, Purnachandran, R

Publisher :Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Asian Research Consortium,

Numerical Modelling of Residual Stress in Direct Metal Deposition of Ti6Al4V Alloy

Authors : Mallikarjuna B, Ahmed, N, , Krishna, P, Balla, V. Krishna, Das, M.,, Bontha, S.

Publisher :International Symposium on Light Weighting for Defence, Aerospace and Transportation

Nonlinear normal modes of coupled Van der Pol oscillators exhibiting synchronization

Authors : B. Balaram, Velayudhan, Jithin

Publisher :9th EIVOC

Entrainment in multi degree of freedom discontinuous system with application to disc brakes

Authors : B. Balaram, Alwin Thomas, Dr. Santhosh B.,

Publisher :Int. Conference on Vibration problems (ICOVP 2017),

Quality of Life among elderly person leading institutional life –A Descriprtive study of the kerala experience

Authors : Vivek S, Dr. Rajeev M M

Publisher :Ministry of Social Justice and Empowernement ,Govt of India , Book Chapter on ' Social Defense'

High Dimensional Data Visualization : A Survey

Authors : Dr. Don S.

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

Understanding How Adversarial Noise Affects Single Image Classification

Authors : Dr. Don S., Rishabh Saxena; , Adate Amit

Publisher :Smart Secure Systems – IoT and Analytics Perspective, Springer Singapore

SPICE modeling for Metal Island Charged Confined Cellular Automata

Authors : Dr. Pritam Bhattacharjee; , Kunal Das

Publisher :Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (Scopus)

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