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Power efficient automated lights results to security for underground parking space

Authors : Ullas S., Ullas S., H.N. Vishwas; , H.N. Vishwas;

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI), IEEE,

Facile one-pot hydrothermal synthesis of stable and biocompatible fluorescent carbon dots from lemon grass herb

Authors : Thota, S. P., , Thota, S. M., , Bhagavatham, S. S., , Manoj, K. S., Muthukumar, V. S. S., , Venketesh, S, Belliraj, S. K

Publisher :IET Nanobiotechnology

Design and implementation of improved fractional open circuit voltage based maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic applications

Authors : Bharath K. R, Suresh, E.

Publisher :International Journal of Renewable Energy Research

Bernstein global optimization approach for distributed optimal power flow problem incorporating emission costs

Authors : Bharath K. R, B. V. Patir, L. P. M. I. Sampath, A. Krishnan, Y. S. F. Eddy

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy),

Emotion recognition from facial expressions of 4D videos using curves and surface normals

Authors : Dr. Suja P.;, Sai Prathusha, S.a; , Louis, R.c, Dr. Shikha Tripathi;

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics

Data analysis using Box and Whisker plot for Functional Point

Authors : E, Deepchandar;, Karunanidhi, Divagar, Kamal, Kavin; , Kumaran U.

Publisher :Kumaran U.;

Analysis of age, astigmatic and tear protection rate in contact lenses selection

Authors : Kumaran U., Jagadish, , Kumar, J Vasanth, Thirumalai, Chandrasegar

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI), IEEE,

Calculating the heart disease in switzerland using Pearson’s correlation

Authors : Kumaran U., Kalyanasundaram, R; , Tamizhselvan, B R; , Prasanth, Ajay;

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI), IEEE

Comparison Analysis of Brain tumor segmentation techniques

Authors : Kumaran U., , K.Uma, D., , K. .suhasini

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

Scheming of flexible group sourcing in medication using big data analytics

Authors : Kumaran U.,, D. .K.Uma

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.

Foggy Image Enhancement and Object Identification by Extended Maxima Algorithm

Authors : Dr. Tripty Singh

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Innovations in Control, Communication and Information Systems (ICICCI), IEEE,

Mammogram Classification using Multinominal Logistic Regression

Authors : Dr. Tripty Singh, , Jha, R., , Nayar, R.,

Publisher :International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing-ICCSP’17 , Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Melmaruvathur, 2017.

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