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Particle Filter for Reliable Bus Travel Time Prediction Under Indian Traffic Conditions

Authors : Manoj Kumar Panda, B. Dhivyabharathi;, Lelitha Vanajakshi; , B. N. Anil Kumar;

Publisher :Transportation in Developing Economies,

Convexity of Power Type Heron Mean With Respect to Power Mean

Authors : Dr. K. Murali, R.C.Lakshmi Janardhana, K. M. Nagaraja

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

Analysis of Multi-Hop Probabilistic Forwarding for Vehicular Safety Applications on Highways

Authors : Manoj Kumar Panda; , Hien Phuong Luong;, Quoc Bao Vo, Hai Le Vu;

Publisher :IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules over an n-dimensional ball

Authors : Dr. K.V. Nagaraja, Sarada Jayan

Publisher :Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology,

Automatic Dam as Energy Source

Authors : Balaji D, Sathishkumar M, Paarnica P. G, Chandralekha A. G.

Publisher :Official Journal of the Patent office

Modified CD Device as Renewable Energy Source

Authors : Balaji D, Sathishkumar M, Yuvaraj G, Ajai Prasanna S, Elamuruhu E, Harikarasudhan A

Publisher :Official Journal of the Patent office

Compact Traditional Toothbrush

Authors : Balaji D, Sathishkumar M, Deepan S, Sathyaprasanth S. P.

Publisher :Official Journal of the Patent office

Finger Held Pressure Dispensable Paste Toothbrush

Authors : Sathishkumar M, Balaji D

Publisher :Official Journal of the Patent office

Traditional Natural Stick Toothbrush

Authors : Balaji D, Deepan S, Sathishkumar M, Sathyaprasanth S. P

Publisher :Traditional Natural Stick Toothbrush

Energy Saving for Iron Box

Authors : Sathishkumar M, Balaji D, Yuvaraj G, Kanagasabapathi E, Premkumar D

Publisher :Official Journal of the Patent office

Predicting the Tensile Strength of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy Using ANN

Authors : Ranjith. R, Giridharan. P. K, Senthil Kumar. B

Publisher :IJCIET

Influence of Titanium-Coated (B4Cp + SiCp) Particles on Sulphide Stress Corrosion and Wear Behaviour of AA7050 Hybrid Composites (for MLG link)

Authors : Ranjith R, Giridharan, Giridharan P. K., Devaraj J, Bharath V.

Publisher :Springer Link -SCI, SCOPUS

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