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Design, analysis and impact behaviour of magnesium alloys (Zk60A) of low pressure die casting for automotive wheels by finite element method

Authors : Jayakumar V, Ragul G, Reddy C. V, Abhijit Roy, Abhishek Samanta, Sreejith C.

Publisher :ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,

Blue light emitting Y2O3:Tm3+ nanophosphors with tunable morphology obtained by bio-surfactant assisted sonochemical route

Authors : K. N. Venkatachalaiah, H. Nagabhushana, G.P. Darshan, R.B. Basavaraj, B. Daruka Prasad, S.C. Sharma

Publisher :Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,

Structural, morphological and photometric properties of sonochemically synthesized Eu3+ doped Y2O3 nanophosphor for optoelectronic devices

Authors : K. N. Venkatachalaiah, ; H. Nagabhushana, G.P. Darshan, R.B. Basavaraj, B. Daruka Prasad, S.C. Sharma

Publisher :Materials Research Bulletin,

Color tuning in neodymium doped dicalcium silicate nanostructures prepared via ultrasound method

Authors : K. N. Venkatachalaiah, Venkataravanappa,M, Nagabhushana,H., Basavaraj,R. B, Prasad,B. Daruka

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings,

Intelligent smart parking algorithm

Authors : Dr. T. K. Ramesh, Srikar, D V S, Kanteti, Dharmini

Publisher :2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon)

A Mobile Integrated Classroom

Authors : Dr. T. K. Ramesh, Vishnu, D. Saketh, Afaque, H. Saliq, Vishal, Dasari

Publisher :2017 5th IEEE International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE)

Sign language to speech conversion

Authors : Dr. T. K. Ramesh, V. D, Aishwarya,

Publisher :8th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ICCIC 2017

Underwater diving and diver health concerns a survey

Authors : Dr. T. K. Ramesh, Reshma, N

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy)

Schur Convexities and Concavities of Generalized Heron Means

Authors : Dr. K. Murali, Sampathkumar R, R. C. Lakshmi Janardhana, K. M. Nagaraja

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

An approach for area and power optimization of flipping 3-D discrete wavelet transform architecture

Authors : Ganapathi Hegde, Reddy,, Kotha Srinivasa, Dr. T. K. Ramesh

Publisher :2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED)

Analytical Modeling of Multipath TCP Over Last-Mile Wireless

Authors : Manoj Kumar Panda;, S. R. Pokhrel; , Hai Le Vu

Publisher :IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

Improvement of harmonic and contra harmonic mean inequality chain

Authors : Dr. K. Murali, Nagaraja, K.M, Janardhana, R.C.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,

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