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An Assessment of Weed Flora 14 years After the Introduction of Glyphosate-tolerant Cotton in Australia

Authors : Manalil S, Preston C, Jackson R, Chauhan BS, Werth J

Publisher :Crop and Pasture Science

Infestigation of Dilution Effect with N2/CO2 on Laminar Burning Velocity of Premixed Methane / Oxygen Mixtures using Freely Expanding Spherical Flames

Authors : Prathap, Ratnakishore Velamati, Lokesh Kalathi, S.Anbusaravana, R.Khan

Publisher :Journal of Fuel,

Weed Management in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) through weed-crop competition: A review

Authors : Coast O, Chauhan BS, Werth J, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher :Crop Protection 95

Simulation modelling and development of analytic hierarchy process-based priority dispatching rule for a dynamic press shop

Authors : Thenarasu, K.Rameshkumar, K.Rameshkumar

Publisher :International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of forces in milling process

Authors : Prakash Marimuthu K., Satish, C., , B. Murthy Turai

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings,

Effect of Brass and Silver on Mechanical Properties of Copper

Authors : Mrudula Prashanth, N. Satish, B.S. Ajay kumar

Publisher :International conference of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Applications

Design and Development of Tilting Rotary Furnace

Authors : B. N. Prashanth, P. Tejesh, V. Sai Varun

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing

Trismus- Etiology and Management

Authors : Anil Mathew

Publisher :JPID;2017;1(1);52-58

Temporomandibular Disorders in Edentulous Patients – A Review

Authors : Anil Mathew, Saranya SK, Chandrashekar Janakiram

Publisher :Journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry ,

Hot Deformation Characterization of Haynes-242

Authors : M. V. Phanibhushana, V.Gaurava, PedroJacinto, Paramo Kanetas

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier publications.

A Simulated Annealing and Nearest Neighbor Approach To Solve A Vehicle Routing Problem In A FMCG Company

Authors : Dr. T. Srinivas Rao, Anirudha Tatavarthy, Prakash Marimuthu K

Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development(IJMPERD),

Bariatric surgery and its effects on skin and skin disease (Poster)

Authors : Anjana A. P.

Publisher :International Conference on Obesity- A Multifaceted Approach organized by Amrita College of Nursing

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