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New genes often acquire male-specific functions but rarely become essential in .

Authors : Dr. Rajaguru Aradhya, Kondo, Shu, Vedanayagam, Jeffrey, Mohammed, Jaaved, Eizadshenass, Sogol, Kan, Lijuan, Pang, Nan, Siepel, Adam, Steinhauer, , Lai,

Publisher :Genes Dev

Drag reduction for hypersonic re-entry vehicles

Authors : Krishnan G.G, Akhil, Nagaraja S. R.

Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Career Satisfaction Among Dental Public Health Specialists in India – A Cross-sectional Survey.

Authors : Chandrashekar Janakiram, Chandrashekar Janakiram, Antony, Bobby, Antony, Bobby, Joseph, Joe, Joseph, Joe

Publisher :J Clin Diagn Res

A rare subcutaneous benign tumor-Oral Lipoma

Authors : Dr. Girisankar M, Dr, Jaeson, Dr, Ravi

Publisher :Kerala Dental Journal (KDJ),

Fatigue of Polymers

Publisher :Materials Science and Materials Engineering

Structural tuning of low band gap intermolecular push/pull side-chain polymers for organic photovoltaic applications

Authors : Duryodhan Sahu, PS Rama Sreekanth, Ansuman Nayak, Dr. Santosh Kumar Sahu

Publisher :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, Chinese Chemical Society and Institute of Chemistry, CAS

A Hybrid Classifier for the Detection of Microaneurysms in Diabetic Retinal Images

Authors : K. I. Ramachandran, Vasundhara, R., Aishwarya

Publisher :The 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering

Fuzzy logic based fault detection of controller area network using microautobox — II

Authors : K. I. Ramachandran, S. Adasrh; , A. Tamrakar

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI

Modeling and Failure Analysis of Flexure Springs for a Stirlings Cryocooler

Authors : Rajesh, Biju T Kuzhiveli

Publisher :Journal of Engineering science and Technology

Mechanical Properties and Adhesive Scuffing Wear Behaviour of Stir Cast Cu-Sn-Ni/ Si3N4 Composites

Authors : N.Radhika, S.Shiam Sunder, Nithesh

Publisher :Journal of Tribology (2017)

Effect of well Thermal Boundary Conditions on Flame Dynamics of CH4-Air Mixtures in Straight Microtubes

Authors : Sudarshan Kumar, S.Minaev, Y.Yoon, Aditya P Singh, Ratna Kishore;

Publisher :International Journal of Combustion Science and Technology

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