Authors : BTS Ramanujam, S Radhakrishnan, SD Deshpande
Publisher :SAGE Publications
Authors : BTS Ramanujam, S Radhakrishnan, Shripad D Deshpande
Publisher :The Polymer Society of Korea
Authors : BTS Ramanujam, Pratheep K Annamalai
Publisher :Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials
Authors : BTS Ramanujam, Pratheep K Annamalai
Publisher :Woodhead Publishing
Authors : Santhosh, Hyma and A.S. Indu.
Authors : Archana A, S Shilpa Nair
Authors : A.Gopika Raja
Publisher :Criterion Collection
Authors : A. Sumesh, K. Rameshkumar, A. Raja, K. Mohandas, A. Santhakumari, R. Shyambabu
Publisher :IEEE
Publisher :Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences