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Polyphenylene sulfide-expanded graphite nanocomposites: processing route dependent electrical percolation

Authors : BTS Ramanujam, S Radhakrishnan, SD Deshpande

Publisher :SAGE Publications

Analysis of electrical and thermal conductivities of polyethersulfone-graphite based hybrid nanocomposites

Authors : BTS Ramanujam, S Radhakrishnan, Shripad D Deshpande

Publisher :The Polymer Society of Korea

Conducting polymer–graphite binary and hybrid composites: Structure, properties, and applications

Authors : BTS Ramanujam, Pratheep K Annamalai

Publisher :Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials

Conducting polymer–graphite binary and hybrid composites: Structure, properties, and applications

Authors : BTS Ramanujam, Pratheep K Annamalai

Publisher :Woodhead Publishing

Establishing Correlation Between Current and Voltage Signatures of the Arc and Weld Defects in GMAW Process

Authors : A. Sumesh, K. Rameshkumar, A. Raja, K. Mohandas, A. Santhakumari, R. Shyambabu

A Study of Various Fuzzy C Means Clustering Techniques for Segmentation

Publisher :Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences

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