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Resource Management of Grama Panchayats in Kerala for Sustainable Development: An Efficiency Analysis

Authors : Preethy P Pillai, Sreesankar R S, T G Manoharan

Publisher :IEEE

Mukthibodh Ki Kavitavom Mein Fantacy

Authors : Anupama C. V.

NITMZ-JU at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Customer Feedback Analysis

Authors : Somnath Banerjee, Partha Pakray, Riyanka Manna, Dipankar Das, Alexander Gelbukh

Crust-Core Transitions in Neutron Stars Revisited

Authors : B. K. Sharma, C. Gonzalez-Boquera, M. Centelles

Publisher :Bulg. J. Phys

Kinetic energy distribution of ternary particles from the trajectory calculations

Authors : VG Lakshmi, P Prema, M Balasubramaniam

Publisher :DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys

Electrical Properties of Conducting Polymer‐MWCNT Binary and Hybrid Nanocomposites

Authors : BTS Ramanujam, S Radhakrishnan

Publisher :John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Polypropylene-based conducting nanocomposites: effect of aspect ratio of second conducting filler on the electrical percolation

Authors : BTS Ramanujam, S Radhakrishnan, SD Deshpande

Publisher :SAGE Publications

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