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Analyzing the Impact of Software Design Patterns in Data Mining Application

Authors : Prabhakar, N. P., Rani, D., Hari Narayanan, A. G., Judy, M. V.

Publisher :Springer

A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Techniques Applied in Social Network Analysis

Authors : Sujamol S., Maya L. Pai, U Krishnakumar

Machine Learning in Advanced Python

Authors : Suchithra M. S., Maya L Pai

Solution processed Cu2CdSnS4 as a low-cost inorganic hole transport material for polymer solar cells

Authors : M Suresh Kumar, Kallol Mohanta, Sudip K Batabyal

Publisher :North-Holland

A Study on Consumer Preference towards Emergence of Malls in Ernakulum District

Authors : Rejitha Thomas, Tincymol Thomas, P. Balasubramanian

Prospects of Start-up ecosystem – A Review

Authors : P. Balasubramanian, Ranjini S Nambiar

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