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Violence against the medical profession

Authors : Kapoor MC

Publisher :J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol

Quota in specialty and super-specialty courses: What does the judiciary say?

Authors : Kapoor MC, Anand S.

Publisher :Nat Med J India

A prospective observational study of the use of desflurane anesthesia in Indian adult inpatients undergoing surgery: The Registry in India on Suprane Emergence registry

Authors : Kapoor MC, Radhakrishnan M, Ramesh VJ, Murthy HS, Sharma D, Gundappa P

Publisher :J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol

TMT and acquirer performance of cross-border acquisitions

Authors : S Ray, D Piaskowska, G Trojanowski, R Tharyan

Publisher :5th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management

How international orientation of top management teams may (not) moderate the performance of serial acquirers?

Authors : S Ray, D Piaskowska, G Trojanowski, R Tharyan

Publisher :7th India Finance Conference

Role of Acquirer Firm Top Management Teams in Payment Mode Choices in Cross-border Acquisitions

Authors : S Ray, D Piaskowska-Lewandowska, G Trojanowski, R Tharyan

Publisher :Academy of Management Proceedings

Anaesthetic management of ascending aorta aneurysm

Authors : Neeti Makhija, Jitin Narula

Publisher :CBS Publishers & Distributors

Right to-left shunting through the unidirectional valved patch after closure of ventricular septal defect

Authors : Talwar S, Kapoor PM, Narula J, Keshri VK, Choudhary SK, AIran B.

Publisher :Ann Card Anaesth

Assessment of Changes in Hemodynamics and Intrathoracic Fluid Using Electrical Cardiometry During Autologous Blood Harvest

Authors : Narula J, Kiran U, Malhotra Kapoor P, Choudhury M, Rajashekar P, Kumar Chowdhary U.

Publisher :J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth.

Right-to-left shunting through the unidirectional valved patch after closure of ventricular septal defect

Authors : Talwar S, Kapoor PM, , Narula J, Keshri VK, Choudhary SK, AIran B

Publisher :Ann Card Anaesth

Intra cardiac fungal ball in an infant causing right ventricular inflow obstruction secondary to tricuspid valve fungal endocarditis: management options

Authors : Narula J, , Gharde P, Singh M, P Rajashekar, Velayoudham D, Talwar S.

Publisher :Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg

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