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Chikungunya and the pulmonologist – What we must know

Publisher :J Assoc Chest Physicians

Experimental and quantum chemical investigations on oxidative stability of sesame oil with ecofriendly synthetic antioxidant additives

Authors : Sabarinath S., Rajendrakumar P. K., K. Prabhakarn Nair

Publisher :Ecotrib 2017

Guidelines for Fluid Resuscitation in Trauma Patients

Publisher :Jaypee Brothers for Indian College of Anesthesiology

Comprehensive cardiopulmonary life support (CCLS) for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by trained paramedics and medics inside the hospital

Authors : Garg R, Ahmed SM, Kapoor MC, Rao SC, Mishra BB, Kalandoor MV, Singh B, Divatia JV

Publisher :Indian J Anaesth

Basic cardiopulmonary life support (BCLS) for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by trained paramedics and medics outside the hospital

Authors : Garg R, Ahmed SM, Kapoor MC, Mishra BB, Rao SC, Kalandoor M V, Divatia JV, Singh B

Publisher :Indian J Anaesth

Atmospheric Pollution in Cardiac Operating Rooms

Authors : Kapoor MC

Publisher :Ann Card Anaesth

Compression-only life support (COLS) for cardiopulmonary resuscitation by layperson outside the hospital

Authors : Ahmed SM, Garg R, Divatia JV, Rao SC , Mishra BB, Kalandoor M V, Kapoor MC, Singh B

Publisher :Indian J Anaesth

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