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Design and fabrication of metal briquette machine for shop floor

Authors : Pramod, R., Kumar, G.B.V., Prashanth, B.N.

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings

Convex hyperspectral unmixing algorithm using parameterized non-convex penalty function

Authors : Harikumar, K., Dr. Soman K. P., Harikumar, K., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag

De-duplication of passports using Aadhaar

Authors : Prathilothamai M., Nair, P.S.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics,

Controlled Delivery of Bioactive Molecules for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds.

Authors : Anjana, J, Rajan, V K, Biswas, Raja, Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :Curr Pharm Des

Deep Learning for Network Flow Analysis and Malware Classification

Authors : Rahul, R.K., Anjali, T., Menon, V.K., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag

A cross sectional review of patient information available in the World Wide Web on CyberKnife: fallacies and pitfalls.

Authors : Menon, Durgapoorna, Chelakkot, Prameela G, Sunil, Devika, Lakshmaiah, Ashwini

Publisher :Support Care Cancer

Design and fabrication of magnetic coolant filter

Authors : Prashanth, B.N.

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings

Decoding Engagement in MOOCs: An Indian Learner Perspective

Authors : Kaveri, A., Dr. Sangeetha G, Dr. Deepak Gupta, M. Pratap

Publisher :Proceedings - IEEE 8th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2016

Design and Fabrication of hand operated mini Shock Tube

Authors : Nambiar, G.K., Sriram, M., Dharanidhar, M., Nair, P.G., Nagaraja, S.R.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Contextualizing ICT Based Vocational Education for Rural Communities: Addressing Ethnographic Issues and Assessing Design Principles

Authors : Sachith, K.P., Gopal, A., Muir, A., Rao R. Bhavani

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Decreased Survival With Mastectomy Vis-à-Vis Breast-Conserving Surgery in Stage II and III Breast Cancers: A Comparative Treatment Effectiveness Study.

Authors : Nandakumar, Ambakumar, Rath, Goura Kishor, Kataki, Amal Chandra, Bapsy, P Poonamalle, Gupta, Prakash C, Gangadharan, Paleth, Mahajan, Ramesh C, Bandyopadhyay, Manas Nath, Swamy, Kumara, Vallikad, Elizabeth, Visweswara, Rudrapatna N, Roselind, Francis Selvaraj, Sathishkumar, Krishnan, Kumar, Dampilla Daniel Vijay, Jain, Ankush, Sudarshan, Kondalli Lakshminarayana

Publisher :J Glob Oncol

Control electronics module for flow control valve using FPGA

Authors : S. V. Adhul, Nandagopal J. L., H. Revathi

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT)

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