Authors : Pramod, R., Kumar, G.B.V., Prashanth, B.N.
Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings
Authors : Harikumar, K., Dr. Soman K. P., Harikumar, K., Dr. Soman K. P.
Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag
Authors : Prathilothamai M., Nair, P.S.
Publisher :2017 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics,
Authors : Anjana, J, Rajan, V K, Biswas, Raja, Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy
Publisher :Curr Pharm Des
Authors : Rahul, R.K., Anjali, T., Menon, V.K., Soman, K.P.
Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag
Authors : Menon, Durgapoorna, Chelakkot, Prameela G, Sunil, Devika, Lakshmaiah, Ashwini
Publisher :Support Care Cancer
Authors : Prashanth, B.N.
Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings
Authors : Kaveri, A., Dr. Sangeetha G, Dr. Deepak Gupta, M. Pratap
Publisher :Proceedings - IEEE 8th International Conference on Technology for Education, T4E 2016
Authors : Nambiar, G.K., Sriram, M., Dharanidhar, M., Nair, P.G., Nagaraja, S.R.
Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Authors : Sachith, K.P., Gopal, A., Muir, A., Rao R. Bhavani
Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Authors : Nandakumar, Ambakumar, Rath, Goura Kishor, Kataki, Amal Chandra, Bapsy, P Poonamalle, Gupta, Prakash C, Gangadharan, Paleth, Mahajan, Ramesh C, Bandyopadhyay, Manas Nath, Swamy, Kumara, Vallikad, Elizabeth, Visweswara, Rudrapatna N, Roselind, Francis Selvaraj, Sathishkumar, Krishnan, Kumar, Dampilla Daniel Vijay, Jain, Ankush, Sudarshan, Kondalli Lakshminarayana
Publisher :J Glob Oncol
Authors : S. V. Adhul, Nandagopal J. L., H. Revathi
Publisher :2017 International Conference on Circuit ,Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT)