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Endoscopic therapy for biliary strictures complicating living donor liver transplantation: Factors predicting better outcome.

Authors : Rao, Harshavardhan B, Ahamed, Hasim, Panicker, Suprabha, Sudhindran, Surendran, Venu, Rama P

Publisher :World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol

An experimental study on the equilibrium shape of water drops impacted on groove-textured surfaces

Authors : Vaikuntanathan, V., Dr. R. Kannan, Sivakumar, D.

Publisher :Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,

Encoding the Dihedral Angle of Amino Acid in a Protein

Authors : Pallavi, M.S.

Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC),

Endometrial stromal sarcoma-A retropsective analysis of factors affecting recurrence.

Authors : Agarwal, Reshu, Rajanbabu, Anupama, Nair, Indu R, Satish, Chandramouli, Jose, Georgeena, Unikrishnan, U G

Publisher :Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol

Forgotten? Not Yet. Cardiogenic Brain Abscess in Children: A Case Series-Based Review.

Authors : Suhas Udayakumaran, Onyia, Chiazor U, Kumar, R Krishna

Publisher :World Neurosurg

Emotion Recognition from 3D Videos using Optical Flow Method

Authors : GowriPatil, Dr. Suja P.

Publisher :International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation

Formulation and evaluation of niosomal suspension of cefixime

Authors : Kumar, B.S., Krishna, R., Lakshmi, P.S., Vasudev, D.T., S.C. Nair

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research,Innovare Academics Sciences

Empirical wavelet transform for harmonic detection under dynamic condition

Authors : Jain, N.L., Priyanka, R., Keerthy, P., Maya, P., Babu, P.

Publisher :Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies,

Employment Guarantee Scheme through the Lens of Financial Inclusion

Authors : Pratap, M., Dr. Sangeetha G, Gupta, D., Kaveri, A.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation,

Forensic future of social media analysis using web ontology

Authors : Mohan, A.K., Venkataraman, D.

Publisher :2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2017

Fog computing: Issues, challenges and future directions

Authors : Prakash, P., Darshaun, K.G., Yaazhlene, P., Ganesh, M.V., Vasudha, B.

Publisher :International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Empirical Comparison of Different Key Frame Extraction Approaches with Differential Evolution Based Algorithms

Authors : Abraham, Kevin Thomas, Ashwin, Manikandan, Sundar, Darshak, Ashoor, Tharic, Dr. Jeyakumar G.

Publisher :The International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications

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