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Formulation and evaluation of synthesized quinazolinone derivative for colon specific drug delivery

Authors : Shammika, P., Dr. Aneesh T. P., Dr. Vidya Viswanad

Publisher :Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for post-transplant hypoxaemia following very severe hepatopulmonary syndrome.

Authors : Kumar, Lakshmi, Dinesh Balakrishnan, Varghese, Rekha, Surendran, Sudhindran

Publisher :BMJ Case Rep

Formulation and evaluation of novel chromene derivative as an anti-inflammatory agent used for inflammatory bowel diseases

Authors : Reshmi, K.P.a, Dr. Subin Mary Zachariah, Dr. Vidya Viswanad

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Enhancement of TCSC characteristics

Authors : K. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Balamurugan S., N. Janarthanan

Publisher :International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies.

Formulation of propranolol hydrochoride oral thin fims for migraine prophylaxis

Authors : Joshua JM, Hari R, Jyothish FK, Saritha Surendran

Publisher :Int. J. Pharm. Sci.

Entrainment in multi degree of freedom discontinuous system with application to disc brakes

Authors : Alwin Thomas, B. Balaram, Dr. Santhosh B.

Publisher :Int. Conference on Vibration problems (ICOVP 2017)

Exploratory Study on Tobacco Use among Adolescents

Authors : Prof. Sreedevi P. A., Sreejamol M. G., Febu Elizabeth Joy

Publisher :Indian journal of Public Health Research and Development.

An Exploratory Clinical Study to Determine the Utility of Heart Rate Variability Analysis in the Assessment of Dosha Imbalance

Authors : Ram Manohar P., Oleg Sorokin, Chacko James, Vasudevan Nampoothiri

Publisher :Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Enhancement and Performance Analysis of LEACH Algorithm in IOT

Authors : Dr. N. Rakesh, M.Ashwini

Publisher :International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2017)

Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of TiO2 electrodes of DSSCs irradiated with 80MeV O6+ ion

Authors : Deepak, T., Nair, A.S., Singh, F., Dr. D. Praveen

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings

Enhancement and performance analysis of epidemic routing protocol for delay tolerant networks

Authors : Ch. Srividya, Dr. N. Rakesh

Publisher :International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2017

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