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Establishing Correlation Between Current and Voltage Signatures of the Arc and Weld Defects in GMAW Process

Authors : A. Sumesh, K. Rameshkumar, Raja, A., K. Mohandas, Santhakumari, A., Shyambabu, R.

Publisher :Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Factors influencing compliance to therapeutic regimen among patients with hypertension

Authors : Prof. Moly K. T., Dhanya R Dharan

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

An equivalent circuit model for a compact OLRR based notch filter

Authors : J. Rajendran, Dr. Sreedevi K Menon

Publisher :2017 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall (PIERS - FALL)

Functional group-assisted green synthesised superparamagnetic nanoparticles for the rapid removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution

Authors : Nithya K., Sathish, A., Senthil Kumar, P., T. Ramachandran

Publisher :IET Nanobiotechnology, Institution of Engineering and Technology

Equivalent Circuit and Validation of a Direct Coupled Hexagonal Split Ring Resonator

Authors : Betsy George, Bhuvana Nair S

Publisher :International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS 2017).

A facile synthesis of α-hydrazino ketones from 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds using 1,8-diazobicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) as organic catalyst

Authors : R. Rejithamol, K. Aparna, S. Swetha, A. Gayathri, S. Jisha

Publisher :Asian Journal of Chemistry

Fabrication of PANI-TiO2 incorporated Ni-P electrode for alkaline water electrolysis

Authors : Athira Krishnan, Bency Joseph, Krishna M Bhaskar, S. M. A. Shibli

Publisher :2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy )

Fabrication of high efficient dye sensitized solar cell using eosin blue sensitizer

Authors : Dr. Vijaya Chandrakala K. R. M., K. Ravi Teja, , N. Sandeep Kumar, P. Vivek Phani Raghavendra, LNV Sai Bhaskar Majji

Publisher :International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics

From Village to City: An analysis of Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve and Anita Desai’s The Village by the Sea

Authors : Dr. Indu B.

Publisher :IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities)

Fabrication of LM25/SiO2metal matrix composite and optimization of wear process parameters using design of experiment

Authors : Dr. Radhika N

Publisher :Tribology in Industry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac

Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Structure-based Bioactive Pharmacophore Models for Identifying Next-generation Inhibitors Against Clinically relevant EGFR Mutations

Authors : Panicker, Pooja S., Melge, Anu R., Dr. Lalitha Biswas, Keechilat, Pavithran, Dr. Gopi Mohan C.

Publisher :Chemical Biology Drug Design

Full-rate switched capacitor multi-Tap DFE for long-Tail post-cursor cancellation

Authors : Jacob, N.A., James, D., Sahoo, B.D.

Publisher :Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems

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