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Examining the adoption intentions of women in Kochi regarding uber services

Authors : Ardra, M., Rejikumar, G.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

An evolutionary computing approach for solving key frame extraction problem in video analytics

Authors : Abraham, Kevin Thomas, Ashwin, M, Sundar, Darshak, Ashoor, Tharic, Dr. Jeyakumar G.

Publisher :Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2017 International Conference on

Grid connected wind driven permanent magnet synchronous generator with high frequency solid state transformer

Authors : Sandeep, P.V., Dr. Vijayakumari A.

Publisher :Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends in Computing, Communications and Electrical Engineering,

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Aqueous Plant Extracts and its Application as Optical Sensor

Authors : Subramanian, Sabu Thomas, Obey Koshy

Publisher :International Journal of Biosensors Bioelectronics

Evidence Centred Approach to Measuring Learning Outcomes Amongst Management Students Using Epistemic Games

Authors : Rambhatla, S., Dr. Deepak Gupta

Publisher :Proceedings - IEEE 8th International Conference on Technology for Education

Evolution of electrode geometry shape and their weld quality in FCAW

Authors : Dr. M. Ramu

Publisher :High Temperature Material Processes

Evaluation of selective laser sintered polyamide/hydroxyapatite composite compositions –in vitro and in vivo

Authors : Dr. M. Ramu, Banu Pradheepa Kamarajan, Dinakar Rai B K, Vignesh Mathialagan, Shanthakumari, Ananthasubramanian Muthusamy

Publisher :“Evaluation of selective laser sintered polyamide/hydroxyapatite composite compositions –in vitro and in vivo”, International Journal of Biomedical Research

A graph-based relation extraction method for question answering system

Authors : G. Veena, S. Athulya, S. Shaji, Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics.

Graphene-based Al-Bi2O3 nanoenergetic films by electrophoretic deposition

Authors : Geeson, J, Staley, C, Bok, Sangho, Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Gangopadhyay, K, Gangopadhyay, S

Publisher :IEEE 12th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference .

Evolutionary Algorithm Based Structural Optimization for Patch Antenna Design and its Performance Analysis

Authors : Sudhakaran, G, Kandipati, B, Bhuvan Surya, G, Karthikhaa Shree, V, Sivaprasad, M., Dr. Jayakumar M.

Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics

Green mediated synthesis of CeO2-rGO nanocomposites for hydrogen production under visible light irradiations in Hydrogen Energy and Advanced Materials

Authors : S.M.A Shibli, Athira Krishnan, Bency Joseph, Krishna M Bhaskar

Publisher :HEAM 2017. department of chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus

Green Mediated Synthesis of CeO2-rGO Nanocomposites for Hydrogen Production Under Visible Light Irradiation

Authors : S. M. A Shibli, Athira Krishnan, Bency Joseph, Krishna M Bhaskar

Publisher :Hydrogen Energy and Advanced Materials (HEAM 2017)

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