Authors : Krishna C.S., Nalini S.
Publisher :2nd International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solution.
Authors : VG Nandakumar, S Suresh, Dr. Sreekala C. O., SK Sudheer, VP Mahadevan Pillai
Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings
Authors : Raj, M., Sudhakar, A., Roy, R., Champaneri, B., Joy, T.M., Kumar, R.K.
Publisher :Indian Journal of Medical Research
Authors : Sangita Khare, Dr. Deepa Gupta, Prabhavathi K, Dr. Deepika M. G., Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi
Publisher :3rd International Conference on Cognitive Computing and information Processing
Authors : V. Pavithran, A. S. Raj, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, K. Achuthan
Publisher :2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
Authors : Pragna, D.P., Dandu, S., Meenakzshi, M., Jyotsna, C., Amudha, J.
Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, ICICCT 2017
Authors : James, Greeshma, Thomas, Anjana, Abraham, Teena, Prabu, Raghuveer, Panicker, Naveen
Publisher :Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Authors : Velusamy, A., Iyer, R.R.
Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Authors : R. Divya, S. M. Nandukrishnan, Dr. Manjula G. Nair
Publisher :2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy
Authors : Atchuta Sashank, K., Reddy, H.S., Pavithran, P., Akash, M.S., Nirmala Devi, M.
Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science
Authors : Soundharajan B., Mohammed, S.A., Adeloye, A. J.,
Publisher :Water Resources Management
Authors : Rakhi, K, Dr. Manjula G. Nair, Ilango, K
Publisher :International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System(IJPEDS)