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Improvising knowledge based acquisition on Zoo Management system

Authors : Venkataraman, D., Shaji, R.

Publisher :2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2017

Immunolocalization of osteopontin in dysplasias and squamous cell carcinomas arising from oral epithelium

Authors : Aravind, T., Mahija Janardhanan, Dr. Rakesh S., Vindhya Savithri, Unnikrishnan, U.G.

Publisher :Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Medknow Publications

Improved self-snake based anisotropic diffusion model for edge preserving image denoising using structure tensor

Authors : Kamalaveni V., S. Veni, Narayanan Kutty K. A.

Publisher :Multimedia Tools and Applications

Impact of Cell Wall Peptidoglycan O-acetylation on the Pathogenesis of Staphylococcus Aureus in Septic Arthritis

Authors : Baranwal, Gaurav, Mohammad, Majd, Jarneborn, Anders, Reddy, Bommana Raghunath, Golla, Archana, Chakravarty, Sumana, Biswas, Lalitha, Götz, Friedrich, Dr. Sahadev Shankarappa, Jin, Tao, Dr. Raja Biswas

Publisher :Int J Med Microbiol

Improving Capabilities for Visually Challenged Person in Library Environment

Authors : D.Kavin Kumar, T.Senthil Kumar

Publisher :International conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems -

Image Denoising based on Weighted Regularized Least Square Method

Authors : M .Srikanth, K.S. Gokul Krishnan, Sowmya V., K. P. Soman

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing, ICCPCT-2017.

Image fusion using evolutionary algorithms: A survey

Authors : Haritha, K.C., Dr. Jeyakumar G., Thangavelu, S.

Publisher :2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems,

Impact Analysis on Surge Impedance Loading

Authors : Afriena S.A., Neha L. Jain, R. Priyanka, Dr. Balamurugan S.

Publisher :International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems

Importance of transport parameters of ions in the design of soil liners

Authors : Shankara, A., Maya Naik, S.N., Sivapullaiah, P.V.

Publisher :Pollution Research

Implementation of robotic path planning using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

Authors : Joshy, P., P. Supriya

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies

Image enhancement through pyramid histogram matching

Authors : Sujee R., Dr. Padmavathi S.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics

Improved color scene classification system using deep belief networks and support vector machines

Authors : Sowmya V., A. Ajay, Dr. Govind D., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :2017 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications

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