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IoT Based Low Cost Single Sensor Node Remote Health Monitoring System

Authors : Venkata Virajit Garbhapu, Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan

Publisher :8th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks, EUSPN 2017 and the 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare,

IoT based patient monitoring and diagnostic prediction tool using ensemble classifier

Authors : Ani R., Krishna S., Anju, N., Sona, A.M., Deepa, O.S.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics,

Investigations on metallurgical and mechanical properties of CO2 laser beam welded Alloy 825

Authors : Arivarasu, M., Roshith, P., Dr. Padmanaban R., Dr. Thirumalini S., Phani Prabhakar, K.V., Padmanabham, G.

Publisher :Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly

An investigation on the effects of Co, Ti and Si on microstructure, hardness and wear properties of AlCuNiFe based entropy alloys

Authors : Unnikrishnan, T.G., Paul, C., R. Sellamuthu, Arul, S.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Investigation Through System Dynamics for the Benefits of ICT Intervention in Distribution

Authors : Prashant R. Nair, Mridula Sahay, S. P. Anbuudayasankar

Publisher :Indian Journal of Management

An Investigational Testbed Design for Next Generation Internet Protocol Mobility

Authors : Praveen Muraleedharan, Dr. Senthil Kumar M.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics

Investigation of Nutritional Status of Children based on Machine Learning Techniques using Indian Demographic and Health Survey Data

Authors : Khare, S., Kavyashree, S., Gupta, D., Jyotishi, A.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Investigation on reduction of emission in PCCI-DI engine with biofuel blends

Authors : S. Srihari, Dr. Thirumalini S.

Publisher :Renewable Energy

Investigation On Edge Coupled Metamaterial Filters

Authors : Betsy George

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2017). SSN Collage of Engineering Chennai.

Investigation of dilution effect with N2/CO2 on laminar burning velocity of premixed methane/oxygen mixtures using freely expanding spherical flames

Authors : Khan, A.R.a, Anbusaravanan, S.b, Kalathi, L.b, Velamati, R.c, Prathap, C.b

Publisher :Fuel

Investigation of Home Agent Load Balancing, Failure Detection and Recovery in IPv6 Network-based Mobility

Authors : Dr. Senthil Kumar M., Khatri.A

Publisher :International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology [SCOPUS Indexed], Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development (INSIGHT) 2017,

Investigation of mechanical properties of aluminium reinforced glass fibre polymer composites

Authors : Kumar, G.B.V., Pramod, R.

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings

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