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Multi-center prospective survey of inflammatory bowel diseases in Kerala: More than 2000 cases.

Authors : Philip, Mathew, Augustine, Philip, Thomas, Varghese, Ramesh, G N, Vinayakumar, K R, Ramachandran, T M, Siyad, Ismail, Mukkada, Roy J, Devi, R Sobhana, Chettupuzha, Antony P, Jaison, Varghese A, Ramesh, M, Mahadevan, P, Koshy, Abraham

Publisher :Indian J Gastroenterol

Overlay based fault tolerant peer to peer multicasting for emergency data communication in VANETS

Authors : Karanam, V., B. Uma Maheswari, Sudarshan, T.S.B.

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon

Multicore implementation of EME2 AES disk encryption algorithm using OpenMP

Authors : Hadagali, C.

Publisher :8th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2017

An optimization framework for solving RFID reader placement problem using greedy approach

Authors : Rubini, N., Prasanthi, C., Subanidha, S., Vamsi, T.N.S., Dr. Jeyakumar G.

Publisher :2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems,

Outernet: A digital Library at zero cost for Indian Schools

Authors : Gandhiraj R., Vinutna T, Sai Bharath Kumar B, Venu Sri Sushma K, Soman K P

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing

A multi plane network monitoring and defense framework for sdnoperational security

Authors : Krishnan, P., Najeem, J.S.

Publisher :ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Asian Research Publishing Network

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the posterior-lateral border of tongue: a rare presentation.

Authors : Mathew, Lisha, Janardhanan, Mahija, Suresh, Rakesh, Savithri, Vindhya

Publisher :BMJ Case Rep

Output voltage regulation of controlled rectifiers using feedback linearization control algorithm

Authors : Geetha, N., Parvathy, S., Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C.

Publisher :IEEE

Optimal voltage balancing method for reduced switching power losses in stacked multicell converters

Authors : Premkoumar, T., Rashmi, M.R., Suresh, A., Warrier, D.R.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems

Optimal election winning search algorithm for distributed systems

Authors : S. Angadi, G. Karthik; , Dr. Tripty Singh, A. Sahay; , S. Angadi, G. Karthik;

Publisher :2nd International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks (TELNET-2017)

MRI and CT Contrast-enabled Composite Implants for Image-guided Tissue Regeneration and Therapy (Filed)

Authors : Anusha Ashokan, Dr. Manzoor K., Shantikumar V Nair, Sajesh M, Vijay Harish

Publisher :Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,

A novel algorithm for power flow management in Combined AC/DC microgrid

Authors : Manju, S., P.N. Seema, A. Rajendran

Publisher :1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, ICPEICES 2016

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