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Solar powered Luo converter fed three phase induction motor for water pumping system

Authors : Anjana, A.R., Sindhura, M., Tarun, C.H., Sujith, M.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, ICISC 2017

Pneumatophore Inspired Biomimetic Approach to Design an Energy Neutral Aerator for Application in Composting

Authors : A. Madhavan, Sindhu Shetty K., G. Anjana, A. Das, A.S. Athira, H. Hari, K. S. Lekshmi, S. Babu, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Dr. Sanjay Pal

Publisher :Technical Program Committee of the “2017 IEEE International ( Biennial) Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy".

PMSG based standalone wind electric conversion system with MPPT

Authors : Sahin, P., R. Resmi, Dr. Vanitha V.

Publisher :Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends in Computing, Communications and Electrical Engineering, I

Synthesis and electrochemical properties of binary MgTi and ternary MgTiX (X = Ni, Si) hydrogen storage alloys

Authors : Manivasagam, T.G., Iliksu, M., Danilov, D.L., Notten, P.H.L.

Publisher :International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier Ltd,

Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 reinforced Al6061 composites

Authors : Veeresh Kumar G. B., Shivakumar Gouda, P.S., R. Pramod, Rao, C.S.P.

Publisher :Advanced Composites Letters, Adcotec Ltd.

Sodium valproate induced hyperammonemia with normal liver function: A case report

Authors : Abraham, T.C., James, G., Thomas, A., Lakshmi R.

Publisher :Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research

Plexiform Neurofibroma of Clitoris.

Authors : Dhanya Yesodharan, Sudarsanan, Bindu, Jojo, Annie, Abraham, Mohan, Bhavani, Nisha, Mathews, Hima, Nampoothiri, Sheela

Publisher :J Pediatr Genet

Plasma Processing of Aluminium Alloys to Promote Adhesion: A Critical Review

Authors : Vinay Kumar Pateland, Shantanu Bhowmik

Publisher :Journal of Review of Adhesion and Adhesives (2017).

Smoothed RRT techniques for trajectory planning

Authors : K. R. Jayasree, Jayasree P. R., A. Vivek

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy

Synthesis and characterization of sodium alginate stabilized nano-ZnO impregnated into bentonite clay

Authors : B.H.N. Reddy, Dr. T. M. Mohan Kumar, Lakshmi, V.V.

Publisher :Journal of Bionanoscience, American Scientific Publishers

Symmetric Key based Encryption and Decryption using Lissajous Curve Equations

Authors : Santhosh, K.B.J., Kruthika, V.

Publisher :International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science,

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