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Polymer Nanocomposite Containing High Permittivity Nanoparticles for Energy Storage Application

Authors : K. Venkata Sahithya, D. Kavitha, Dr. Meera Balachandran, Mohan Kumar

Publisher :International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications.

Spatial, Seasonal, and Topographical Patterns of Surface Albedo in Norwegian Forests and Cropland

Authors : Francesco Cherubini, Sajith Vezhapparambu, Wiley Bogren, Rasmus Astrup, Anders Hammer Strømman

Publisher :International Journal of Remote Sensing.

Poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone)/collagen electrospun mat: Potential for wound dressing and controlled drug delivery

Authors : Reshmi, C.R., Menon, T., Anupama Binoy, Dr. Nandita Mishra, Elyas, K.K., Sujith, A.

Publisher :International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials

A systems approach to mapping logistics systems performance of small and medium manufacturing enterprises

Authors : Dr. Hemamala K., S. Banerji, Dr. Mridula Sahay

Publisher :International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management

Some results in stochastic functional integro-differential equations with infinite delays

Authors : Dr. Vinodkumar A.

Publisher :International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations

Solving the Mystery of the Anterolateral Ligament

Authors : Ms.Sonia Farhan, Rathi Sudhakaran, Jai Thilak

Publisher :Journal of Clinical and diagnostic Research

Sparse Identification of Memory Effects and Nonlinear Dynamics for Developing Parsimonious Behavioral Models of RF Power Amplifiers

Authors : R. V. S. Devi, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup

Publisher :IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference

Solution processed Cu 2 CdSnS 4 as a low-cost inorganic hole transport material for polymer solar cells

Authors : Kumar, M Suresh, Mohanta, Kallol, Batabyal Sudip Kumar

Publisher :Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Elsevier,

System Design for Tackling Blind Curves

Authors : Sadasivam, Sowndarya Lakshmi, J. Amudha

Publisher :Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing: CVIP 2016, Volume 1

System call authorization in linux by a secure daemon

Authors : Radhakrishnan, V., Narayanan, H., Shiju Sathyadevan

Publisher :ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Point Prevalence Surveys of Antimicrobial Use among Hospitalized Children in Six Hospitals in India in 2016.

Authors : Gandra, Sumanth, Singh, Sanjeev K, Jinka, Dasaratha R, Kanithi, Ravishankar, Chikkappa, Ashok K, Sharma, Anita, Dharmapalan, Dhanya, Tunga, Onkaraiah, Akula, Akhila, Garg, Garima, Hsia, Yingfen, Murki, Srinivas, Alvarez-Uria, Gerardo, Sharland, Mike, Anil Kumar

Publisher :Antibiotics (Basel)

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