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Stabilization of seepage induced soil mass movements using sand drains

Authors : Ramkrishnan R., Karthik, V., Unnithan, M.S., Kiran Balaji, R., Athul Vinu, M., Venugopalan, A.

Publisher :Geotechnical Engineering, SEAGS and AGSSEA

Steering Angle Estimation for Autonomous Vehicle

Authors : Dev, V.S., Sajith Variyar V. V., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics,

Theranostic Iron Oxide/Gold Ion Nanoprobes for MR Imaging and Noninvasive RF Hyperthermia.

Authors : Fazal, Sajid, Dr. Bindhu Paul, Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Deepthy Menon

Publisher :ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Stable Titania Nanostructures on Stainless Steel Coronary Stent Surface for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Endothelialization

Authors : Mohan, Chandini C, Cherian, Aleena Mary, Kurup, Sujish, Joseph, John, Nair, Manitha B, Vijayakumar, Maniyal, Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Deepthy Menon

Publisher :Adv Healthc Mater

Poster: Flood monitoring using Computer Vision

Authors : Nair, B.B., Rao, S.N.

Publisher :MobiSys 2017 - Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services

Polythiophene functionalized hydrophobic cellulose kitchen wipe sponge and cellulose fabric for effective oil-water separation

Authors : Durgadevi, N., Dr. Swarnalatha V

Publisher :RSC Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry,

Spirituality in Psychotherapeutic Practice

Authors : Dr. Preetha Menon

Publisher :International Education and Research Journal

Text plagiarism classification using syntax based linguistic features

Authors : Vani, K., Gupta, D.

Publisher :Expert Systems with Applications

Spirituality and productivity – A relationship perspective

Authors : S. Vivek, Amrith, V.

Publisher :Purusharta, School of Management Sciences,

Technological Advancement and Tourism: A Panel Data Analysis of ASEAN Countries

Authors : Rajan, A., Manuel, B., Hari Sankar, K.S., Dr. Sangeetha G

Publisher :2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research

Is Portal Venous Pressure or Porto-systemic Gradient Really A Harbinger of Poor Outcomes After Living Donor Liver Transplantation?

Authors : Kanetkar, Amol Vijay, Dinesh Balakrishnan, Sudhindran, Sudhindran, Dhar, Puneet, Gopalakrishnan, Unnikrishnan, Menon, Ramachandran, Sudheer, Othiyil Vayoth

Publisher :J Clin Exp Hepatol

Speech signal analysis and pattern recognition in diagnosis of dysarthria

Authors : Thoppil, M., Kumar, C., Kumar, A., Amose, J.

Publisher :Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology

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