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Growth and Yield Response of Cowpea to Multiaction Bioinoculants

Authors : Jidhu Vaishnavi, S., P. Jeyakumar

Publisher :Agricultural Research Communication Centre

Influence of Topping and Nutrient Management Practices on Growth and Seed yield of Dhaincha (Sesbania Aculeata)

Authors : M. Gopal, S. Nalliah Durairaj, R. Sureshkumar, S. Marimuthu

Publisher :ARCC

Experimental study on RedMud based GeoPolymer concrete with flyash and GGBS in ambient temperature curing

Publisher :International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Investigation of mechanical properties of Al6082-nickel composites

Publisher :International Conference on Energy Environment and Engineering

A comparative study on mechanical properties of heat treated EN24 alloy steel and its MMC

Publisher :International conference on Mechanical Engineering

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