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Evaluating the force of contraction of heart using ballistocardiogram

Authors : M. Ganesan, Sumesh, E.P.b

Publisher :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.,

Fast dissolving oral thin films: An effective dosage form for quick releases

Authors : Joshua, J.M., Hari, R., Jyothish, F.K., Saritha Surendran

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research

Digit recognition using multiple feature extraction

Authors : Kuttichira, D.P., Sowmya V., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :IIOAB Journal

Design of Cascaded Common Source Low Noise Amplifier for S-Band using Transconductance Feedback

Authors : Anu Ravindran, Karthigha Balamurugan, Dr. Jayakumar M.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Exponential Stability Results for Fixed and Random Type Impulsive Hopfield Neural Networks

Authors : Dr. Vinodkumar A., Rakkiyappan, R

Publisher :International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics

Construction of a 3D model of Epitympanic folds Spaces

Authors : Gopalan.M

Publisher :JBC

Aerial image classification using regularized least squares classifier

Authors : Chandran, S., Sajith Variyar V. V., Nidhin Prabhakar, T.V., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Magnetic microsphere: a review

Authors : Thamburu Sasidharan, Sreeja C. Nair

Publisher :Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology

Congenital subaxial cervical subluxation presenting as a bilateral Erb’s palsy: surgical management, rehabilitation, and outcome.

Authors : Sankaran, Ravi, Shah, Rohan, Menon, Sajesh, Pillai, Ashok

Publisher :Childs Nerv Syst

A comparison of leuprolide acetate versus bilateral orchiectomy for patients with metastatic prostate cancer

Authors : Purushothaman, A.a, G.b Kumar, Gangadharan, P.c, Roshni P. R.

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Prolonged release of TGF-β from polyelectrolyte nanoparticle loaded macroporous chitin-poly(caprolactone) scaffold for chondrogenesis

Authors : Deepthi, S., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Elsevier

Relevance of Non-communicable Comorbidities for the Development of the Severe Forms of Dengue: A Systematic Literature Review

Authors : Toledo, J.a, Toledo, J.a, George, L.b, George, L.b, Martinez, E.c, Martinez, E.c, Lazaro, A.d, Lazaro, A.d, Han, W.W.e, Han, W.W.e, Coelho, G.E.f, Coelho, G.E.f, Runge Ranzinger, S.g, Runge Ranzinger, S.g, Horstick, O.h, Horstick, O.h

Publisher :PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

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