Authors : Preetham, P., Mohapatra, S., Shantikumar V Nair, Dr. Dhamodaran Santhanagopalan, Alok Kumar Rai
Publisher :RSC Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry,
Authors : Nibi, K. V., Menon, K. A. Unnikrishna, Preeja Pradeep
Authors : Dr. Saleeshya P.G., M.Binu
Publisher :, int. Conference on Big Data Analytics for Optimizing Supply Chains, SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR).
Authors : Ekanath Srihari Rangan , Krishna Das.
Publisher :International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences.
Authors : Raghu, R., Dr. Jeyakumar G.
Publisher :In Proceedings of Springer International Conference on Soft Computing Systems, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications.
Authors : Prakash, L., Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar, S., Dr. Soman K. P.
Publisher :Springer
Authors : Haridas, N., Aswathy, C., Soman, K.P.
Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA-15), co-located with 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2015, Springer
Authors : Nechikkat, Nikitha, Sowmya V., Soman, KP
Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag
Authors : Nidhin Prabhakar T.V., Geetha P.
Publisher :Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Springer International Publishing,
Authors : Surya, R., Ashwini, R., Pravena, D., Dr. Govind D.
Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Authors : Hisham, P.M., Pravena, D., Pardhu, Y., Gokul, V., Abhitej, B., Dr. Govind D.
Publisher :In Proceedings of International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (ISTA)