Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Ananthakrishnan Ponnileth Rajendran, Deepak Dileepkumar, Abhiram Thejus S, Venkat Rangan
Publisher :IEEE ISCO 2016, Karapagam College of Engineering,
Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Vignesh Ninkileri, Vinu Sivanantham, Nirmal Elamon, Sharathkumar M S, Vishnu Rajith
Publisher :IEEE ISCO 2016, Karapagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore
Authors : Vishnupriyadharshini, A.a, Vanitha, V.a, Dr. Palanisamy T.
Publisher :International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Serials Publications.
Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Jayakrishnan C, Sriraj Nambiar, Rudit Mathews, Vishnu Das, Pramesh Rao
Publisher :IEEE VLSI SATA 2015
Authors : , Thomas, S., , Ram Prashanth, A
Publisher :(2016) International Journal of Engineering and Technology
Authors : Fabien Chidanand Robert
Publisher :IEEEXplore
Authors : Dr. Anand S.
Publisher :Advaita Sugandha, Proceedings of National Research Seminar on Relationship of Advaita Vedanta with other schools of Philosophy, Rashtriya Samskrita Samsthan (2016)
Authors : Malvi, Parmanand, Chaube, Balkrishna, Singh, Shivendra Vikram, Mohammad, Naoshad, Pandey, Vimal, Vijayakumar, Maleppillil Vavachan, Radhakrishnan, Revathy Meenatheril, Muralidharan Vanuopadath, Nair, Sudarslal Sadasivan, Nair, Bipin Gopalakrishnan, Bhat, Manoj Kumar
Publisher :Cancer Metabolism
Authors : R.Ajith Kumar, Josy.J, Rahul Korah Shaji, Dr. Srikrishnan A. R.
Publisher :ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Journal of Aerospace Engineering.
Authors : S. Keerthana, Dr. Geetha Senthilkumar
Publisher :Two Day UGC sponsored International Conference on “Subaltern Studies Minority Literature” Department of English and Foreign Languages,.
Authors : N Mohankumar, M. NirmalaDevi
Publisher :Indian Journal of Science and Technology