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Context aware offloading decision and partitioning in mobile cloud computing

Authors : N.M.a Dhanya, Kousalya, G.b

Publisher :Asian Journal of Information Technology, Medwell Journals.

Hybrid CFD/ low-order modeling of nonlinear thermoacoustic oscillations

Authors : S. Jaensch, M. Merk, Dr. E. A. Gopalakrishnan, S. Bomberga, T. Emmert, R. I. Sujith, W. Polifke

Publisher :36th Combustion Symposium

A dual quorum-reed solomon coded protocolhandling hybrid failures in distributed storage

Authors : Sharanya, R.R., Shyamala, C.K.

Publisher :International Journal of Control Theory and Applications,

Early warning signals for critical transitions in a thermoacoustic system

Authors : Dr. E. A. Gopalakrishnan, Yogita, S., Tony, J., Dutta, P., Sujith, R. I.

Publisher :Scientific Reports Nature

Improving the accuracy of intrusion detection using gar-forest with feature selection

Authors : Kanakarajan, N.K., Muniasamy, K.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Modelling marsh cone flow time of Super Plasticized Portland Pozzolana Cement paste using RLS with the application of RKS

Authors : Chinnu Jose, Dhanya Sathyan

Publisher :Proceedings of International conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for infra structure systems

Fault tolerant scheduling with enhanced performance for onboard computers: Evaluation

Authors : Sreekumar, A., Radhamani Pillay, V.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Distributed node fault detection and tolerance algorithm for controller area networks

Authors : Nath, N.N., Radhamani, V.R., Saisuriyaa, G.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Existence and stability results on nonlinear delay integro-differential equations with random impulses

Authors : Vinodkumar, A.a, Gowrisankar, M.b, Mohankumar, P.c

Publisher :Kyungpook Mathematical Journal

Study on Characterization of River Sand as Heat Storage Medium

Authors : Priya, R Lalitha, Subi, Salim, Vaishnu, B, Dr. Vijaya Chandrakala K. R. M.

Publisher :Karpagam College of Engineering

Hybrid Key Management Scheme for Secure AMI Communications

Authors : George, N., Nithin, S., Kottayil, S.K.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science Elsevier.

Early warning measures for tipping points in a thermoacoustic system

Authors : Dr. E. A. Gopalakrishnan, Yogita Sharma, Tony John, Partha Sharathy Dutta, Sujith, R. I.

Publisher :Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics,

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