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Virtual machine placement in cloud computing Environment

Authors : Kumar, A., Sathasivam, C., Dr. Prakash P

Publisher :Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Gesture control using single camera for PC

Authors : N. Lalithamani

Publisher :Physics Procedia.

MODIS-Aqua Data Based Detection and Classification of Algal Blooms along the Coast of India Using RLS Classifier

Authors : Babu, M.J., Dr. Geetha Srikanth, Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Robust Speaker Identification Incorporating High Frequency Features

Authors : Latha

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier.

An enhancement of the mapreduce apriori algorithm using vertical data layout and set theory concept of intersection

Authors : Dhanya, S., Vysaakan, M., Mahesh, A.S.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

ℓ1 Trend Filter for Image Denoising

Authors : Selvin, S., Ajay, S.G., Gowri, B.G., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier.

Brca1 responsiveness towards breast cancer-a population-wise pharmacogenomic analysis

Authors : Iyer, P.M.a b, Sanjay Kumar, P.b, Karthikeyan, S.b, P. K. Krishnan Namboori

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Real time vehicular data analytics utilising bigdata platforms and cost effective ECU networks

Authors : Nair, Y.C., Neethu, P.V., Menon, Vijay Krishna, Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Indian Society for Education and Environment.

Graphical representation of prolog traces

Authors : Indulekha T.S., Nair, A.G., Harikesh, P.

Publisher :Second International Conference Computer Paradigms(ICCP 2016), International Journal of Control Theory and Applications.

Game Based Learning to Reduce Carbon Foot Print

Authors : Archana, U. V., Rajeshwaran, Abhishek, McLain, M. L., Kamal Bijlani, Rao, Bhavani, Jayakrishnan, R.

Publisher :Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, Springer India, New Delhi.

Data integration of heterogeneous data sources using QR decomposition

Authors : Sandhya Harikumar, Roy, M.M.

Publisher :IEEE

Interactive Learning System for the Hearing Impaired and the Vocally Challenged

Authors : Hrishikesh N, Jyothisha J. Nair

Publisher :IEEE

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