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Between powerlessness and power: A study of the marginalized women in Gopala Krishna Gandhi’s Refuge

Authors : Teena V.

Publisher :IJELLH – International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities

A Novel Method for Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation in Aerial Images

Authors : T.P., Srinivas, R., Manjusha, Dr. Latha Parameswaran

Publisher :International Conference on Signal and Speech Processing (ICSSP-14)

Clinical pharmacists: Bridging the gap between patients and physicians

Authors : Francis, J., Abraham, S.

Publisher :Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal

Monilethrix, a rare inherited hair shaft disorder in siblings.

Authors : Vora, Rita V, Anjaneyan, Gopikrishnan, Mehta, Malay J

Publisher :Indian dermatology online journal

Smart soldier assistance using WSN

Authors : Sailesh, M Pranav, Kumar, C Vimal, Cecil, B, Deep, Mangal, P. Sivraj

Publisher :Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 International Conference on

Efficient charging of battery and production of power from solar energy

Authors : Suresh, Harishankar, Baskaran, Anand, Sudharsan, KP, Vignesh, U, Viveknath, T, P. Sivraj, Vijith, K

Publisher :Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 International Conference on, IEEE,

Design and fabrication of a hexapod robot

Authors : Krishna, Abhilash, Nandanan, Krishna, Pradeep Kumar, SS, Srihari, KS, P. Sivraj

Publisher :Embedded Systems (ICES), 2014 International Conference on

A Novel Cloud Based NIDPS for Smartphones

Authors : Pandian, V.A., Dr. Gireesh K. T.

Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science

Polyimide to Titanium Composite for Aviation and Space Applications

Authors : Ahmed, Sabbir, Shantanu Bhowmik, Chakraborty, D, Swarnava Mukherjee, K. M. B. Jansen, Akram, M

Publisher :ISAMPE National Conference on Composites, INCCOM – 13

Modeling Structural Behaviour of Inhibitors of Cloud Computing: A TISM Approach

Authors : Dr. Radhika N., Pramod, VR

Publisher :Transactions on Networks and Communications

Battery charging using induction motor’s Slip power

Authors : V. Sailaja, E. Roma Harshan, Anusha Voleti, Bharath Reddy

Publisher :ICECCE

Discovery of lesser known flavones as inhibitors of NF-κB signaling in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells—A SAR study

Authors : Amrutha, K, Pandurangan Nanjan, Sanu K Shaji, Damu Sunilkumar, Subhalakshmi, K, Rajakrishna, Lakshmi, Asoke Banerji

Publisher :Bioorganic medicinal chemistry letters

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