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Online Sensing of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Static and Hydrodynamic Media

Authors : Vikram S, Manikandan P, Vasanthakumari R, Jayaraman R, Tsuzuki, T, M.a Rangarajan

Publisher :7th Bangalore India Nano,Bangalore,December 5-6, 2014

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA

Authors : Pisharath Gopinathan, Subin Ahmed, Asmita Mehta, Rajesh Venkitakrishnan

Publisher :Clinical consequences as observed in southeast Asia’paper submitted for CHEST world congress

A Comparative study of porphyrin functionalized carbon nano materials

Authors : Dr. Yamuna R., S. Ramakrishnan, G. Prabhavathi, Nikhil K. Kothurkar

Publisher :1st International symposium on Nanoparticle/Nanomaterial and Applications (ISN2A)

Nanoceramics: synthesis, characterization, and applications

Authors : Kiani, Amirkianoosh, Rahmani, Mohsen, Manickam, Sivakumar, Tan, Bo

Publisher :Journal of Nanomaterials

Compact Model for Dual Gate Graphene Field-Effect Transistor

Authors : Dr. Bala Tripura Sundari B., Sengupta Sujoy, Aravind Dev S R, Richardson Vimal, Someeshwar

Publisher :International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJECE)

Myocardial perfusion SPECT in a case of retropulmonary looping of left coronary artery in a baby after arterial switch surgery

Authors : Padma, S., Sundaram, P.S.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine

A comparative analysis of a neural-based remote eye gaze tracker

Authors : H. Nandakumar, J. Amudha

Publisher :2014 International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis treatment modalities and recent insights

Authors : Sukhithasri, V, Vinod, Vivek, Varma, Sarath, Dr. Raja Biswas

Publisher :Current drug delivery, Bentham Science Publishers

Multivesicular liposomal bupivacaine at the sciatic nerve

Authors : McAlvin, J.B.a b c, Padera, R.F.d, Dr. Sahadev Shankarappa, Reznor, G.b c, Kwon, A.H.f g, Chiang, H.H.b c, Yang, J.h, Kohane, D.S.b c

Publisher :Biomaterials, Elsevier BV,

Boxing with augmented reality

Authors : Vasudevan, S.K., Abarna, K., Srivathsan, S.

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

A Novel tumor: Specimen index for assessing adequacy of resection in early stage oral tongue cancer

Authors : Joseph, S.T., Aravind, T., Iyer, S., Thankappan, K.

Publisher :Oral Oncology

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