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Adsorption of Pyridine on Graphene

Authors : Abhilash Ravikumar, H Lin, G Fratesi, G Brivio

Publisher :XIX ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations

Actively targeted cetuximab conjugated γ-poly(glutamic acid)-docetaxel nanomedicines for epidermal growth factor receptor over expressing colon cancer cells

Authors : Maya, S.a, Sarmento, B.b c d, Lakshmanan, V.-K.a, Menon, D.a, Jayakumar, R.a

Publisher :Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

Delivery of affordable and equitable cancer care in India

Authors : Pramesh, C.S., Badwe, R.A., Borthakur, B.B., Chandra, M., Raj, E.H., Kannan, T., Kalwar, A., Kapoor, S., Malhotra, H., Nayak, S., Rath, G.K., Sagar, T.G., Sebastian, P., Sarin, R., Shanta, V., Sharma, S.C., Shukla, S., Vijayakumar, M., Vijaykumar, D.K., Aggarwal, A., Purushotham, A., Sullivan, R.

Publisher :The Lancet Oncology

Space Vector based PWM strategies for VSI fed induction motor drives with reduced complexity

Authors : Ishwarya, K., Dr. Rashmi M. R.

Publisher :2014 Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy, PESTSE 2014

The epiknowledge of socially responsible innovation

Authors : Dove, E.S.a, Özdemir, V.b c

Publisher :EMBO Reports

Design of Convoltional Encoder Viterbi Decoder in MATLAB Verilog for High Speed Applications

Authors : Neenu Jacob, Sreehari K. N.

Publisher :International Conference in Electrical, Electronics and Computer science (ICEECS-2014)

Poteomic analysis of human osteoarthritis synovial fluid

Authors : Balakrishnan, L.a b, Raja Sekhar Nirujogi, Ahmad, S.a d, Bhattacharjee, M.a e, Manda, S.S.a c, Renuse, S.a e, Kelkar, D.S.a e, Subbannayya, Y.a f, R. Raju, R. Goel, Thomas, J.K.a e, Kaur, N.g, Dhillon, M.g, Tankala, S.G.g, Jois, R.h, Vasdev, V.i, Ramachandra, Y.L.b, Sahasrabuddhe, N.A.a, Prasad, T.S.K.a c d, Mohan, S.j, Harsha Gowda, Shankar, S.g, Pandey, A.k l m n

Publisher :Clinical Proteomics

Anomalous left coronary artery from nonfacing pulmonary sinus: Direct aortic reimplantation

Authors : Sunil, G.S., Kottayil, B.P., Francis, E., Vaidyanathan, B., Kappanayil, M., Balachandran, R., Nair, S.G., Kumar, R.K.

Publisher :Annals of Thoracic Surgery

Design of CMOS based reconfigurable LNA at millimeter wave frequency using active load

Authors : Vinod, B., Karthigha Balamurugan, Dr. Jayakumar M.

Publisher :IEEE-Explore

Promoting the Strategies of TCT Teaching

Authors : Dr. Geetha Senthilkumar, T., Sreelatha

Publisher :International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies

Comparison of Hadoop multiple node cluster performance over physical and virtual nodes using inverted index data structure for search over Wikipedia data set

Authors : Venkitaramanan, D., Vijayaraju, N., Velusamy, K., Suresh, G., Divya, M.

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

PTH 1-34 Loaded Thiolated Chitosan Nanoparticles for Osteoporosis: Oral Bioavailability and Anabolic Effect on Primary Osteoblast Cells

Authors : Narayanan, D., Anitha, A., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, Chennazhi, K.P.

Publisher :Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

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