Authors : Bramhe, S.a c, Kim, T.N.a, Balakrishnan, A.b, Chu, M.C.c d
Publisher :Materials Letters
Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Pocklassery, G.b, Jayakrishnan, V.b, Mourya, G.b, Thulasi, A.A.b
Publisher :International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2014 - Proceedings
Authors : Subramaniam, Mohan Raj, Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Dr. Duraisamy Kumaresan
Publisher :Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Advances
Authors : Lakshmi, V., Ranjusha, R., Vineeth, S, Balakrishnan, A., Shantikumar V Nair
Publisher :Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Authors : Sabarish, M.S., Sabarish, M.S., Srihari S., Srihari S., Swathi Arunaa, T.S., Swathi Arunaa, T.S., Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup
Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC), 2014 , IEEE,
Authors : Jithin, E.V., Dr. Ratna Kishore V., Varghese, R.J.
Publisher :Energy and Fuels
Authors : Li, L.a, Zhu, P.b, Peng, S.a, Srinivasan, M.a, Yan, Q.a, Nair, A.S.c, Liu, B.d, Samakrishna, S.b
Publisher :Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Authors : Babu, J.M, Moly, K.T
Publisher :Nightingale Nursing Time
Authors : Malarvizhi, G.L., Retnakumari, A.P., Nair, S., Dr. Manzoor K.
Publisher :Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine
Authors : T. Bose, Sasidaran K., Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup, B. B. Jha
Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
Authors : Kumar, P., Suraj, S., Subramanian, R., Raghavan, V.
Publisher :International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles
Authors : Deeptha Shree, G.a, Singh, V.a, Dai, B.K.b, Sunitha, R.a
Publisher :International Journal of Applied Engineering Research