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Network-based System for Predicting Landslides and Providing Early Warnings

Authors : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh

Publisher :Application Number: 13/168,357, Patent Type: Nonprovisional, India Patent, issued as US Patent 8692668 .

A core-shell nanostructure on the basis of proteins with corresponding therapeutic agents

Authors : Dr. Manzoor K., Retnakumari, A., Shantikumar V Nair

Publisher :U.S. Patent PCT/IN2013/0001412014

Characterization of A356/SiCp/Gr Metal Matrix composites

Authors : Balasubramanya, H. S., Ravi Kumar, V., Mrudula Prashanth, M. V. Phanibhushana

Publisher :International Conference on advances in Engineering Technology & Management ICAETM 2014

Area and Time Efficient Hardwired Pre –Shifted Bi-Rotation CORDIC Design

Authors : M. Manikandan, Paramasivam C.

Publisher :Proceedings on 3rd IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing

Kuttikale pidikoodumbol- an article on hypertension among children

Authors : Prof. Sunil M., Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Manorama Arogyam

An In-Body Wireless Communication System for Targeted Drug Delivery: Design and Simulation

Authors : Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, K. S. Mohan, D. Nadarajan

Publisher :2014 International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies, Indonesia.

Lalitham Surakshitham Urakal- an aricle on use of condoms

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Manorama Arogyam

Ivare namukku thirike vilikkam- an article on learning difficulties in children

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Arogyamangalam

Kadi cheruthengilum bheeshani valuthu- an article on world health day theme

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Deshabhimani daily

Improved Rainfall Simulation by Assimilating Oceansat-2 Surface Winds Using Ensemble Kalman Filter for a Heavy Rainfall Event over South India

Authors : Dr. Dhanya M., A. Chandrasekar

Publisher :IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Kurangupani sookshikkuka- an article on monkey fever

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Arogyamangalam

Kshayarogam cheruthallatha bheeshani- an article on TB

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Deshabhimani daily

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