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Simple and straight proofs of stability criteria for finite-dimensional linear time invariant systems

Publisher :Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control

Laparoscopic pyeloplasty for children with pelvic ureteric junction obstruction: an institutional experience

Authors : Nasir, Abdulrasheed, Abraham, Mohan , Sudarshan, Bindu, Puzhankara, Ramakrishnan, Kedari, Prashant

Publisher :The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal

Author’s reply

Authors : Mehta AA, Gupta AS, Ahmed S, Venkitakrishnan R.

Publisher :Lung India: Official Organ of Indian Chest Society

A Multiobjective Bacterial Foraging Algorithm to Solve the Environmental Economic Dispatch Problem

Authors : R. Sharma, V. Ravikumar Pandi, B. K. Panigrahi, W.-C. Hong

Ergonomic Assessment of Wood Routing Task

Authors : S. Bhardwaj, A. A. Khan, O. Farooq

Modeling and simulation of dielectric barrier discharge in argon at low pressure

Authors : R. Prakash, R. S. Sangam, P. Gulati, U. N. Pal

Performance comparison of phase shifting surface lens antenna with other lens antennas

Authors : Harshavardhan Singh, Neha Singh, Carnal Kishor Choure, Machin Chauhan

Publisher :IEEE

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