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Expressive Bound Morphemes in Malayalam Speaking Children with Down Syndrome.

Authors : Maria Grace Treasa, Chengappa, Shyamala K.

Publisher :Language in India

Gastrointestinal intramural hematoma-Analysis of clinical and radiological features for early differentiation from mesenteric ischemia

Authors : Subhash, R., Unnikrishnan, G., Balakrishnan, D., Sudheer, O.V., Dhar, P., Sudhindran, S.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Gastroenterology

Chitin and Chitosan in Selected BiomedicalApplications

Authors : Anitha, A., Sowmya, S., Kumar, P.T.S., Deepthi, S., Chennazhi, K.P., Ehrlich, H., Tsurkan, M., Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy

Publisher :Progress in Polymer Science, Elsevier Ltd,

Cancer research in India: National priorities, global results

Authors : Sullivan, R., Badwe, R.A., Rath, G.K., Pramesh, C. S., Shanta, V., Digumarti, R., D'Cruz, A., Sharma, S.C., Viswanath, L., Shet, A., Vijayakumar, M., Lewison, G., Chandy, M., Kulkarni, P., Bardia, M. R., Kumar, S., Sarin, R., Sebastian, P., Dhillon, P.K., Rajaraman, P., Trimble, E.L., Aggarwal, A., Vijaykumar, D. K., Purushotham, A.D.

Publisher :The Lancet Oncology

Typhoid Diagnostics for the Developing World-Are We Looking in the Wrong Haystack?

Authors : Khan, Sadia, Kumar, Anil

Publisher :Journal of Medical Microbiology Diagnosis

Comparative study of optimization approaches for the issue of Out of Band power emission in OFDM systems

Authors : Ajitha, T., Soman, K. P.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

Seroprevalence of syphilis in patients attending a tertiary care hospital in Southern India

Authors : Khan, Sadia, Menezes, Godfred Antony, Dhodapkar, Rahul, Harish, Belgode Narasimha

Publisher :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine

Modelling of Demand management for a wind battery powered micro grid

Authors : Bipina, K., Lekshmi R. R.

Publisher :International Journal of Science and Technology

Diffuse Ultraviolet emission from Orion Region Using GALEX’, Fields

Authors : Lakshmi S Bose, Jayant Murthy, N. V. Sujatha, Narayanankutty Karuppath

Publisher :National Symposium New Horizons of Astronomy and Astrophysics NHO AA

Ecology and Literature: An Analysis of Thomas Hardys’ Novel as Novels of Character and Environment

Authors : Akhil V. P.

Publisher :ational Seminar on ‘Down to Earth: Ecological orientations in Literature and Arts’

Influence of hydrophobic surface on flow past circular cylinder

Authors : Aparna Prabhakaran, Parvathavardhini, Krishnaprasad, Ajith Kumar S

Publisher :International Conference on Materials Mechanics and Management

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